I have some hunks of RM that I messed my shoulder up some last spring.. I mean I had some shoulder issues from long distance swimming, and nothing some ice and rest didn’t fix , but still a little pile of the waiting for the right cold morning or maybe throw them in a pit.
Forgive me father, for I have sinned. A neighbor and I just pulled down and cut up an ash tree that was hanging over our private access road. I have a ton of other stuff going on, so I just bucked it into 4' lengths and left it on the side of the road. If its there later, I will grab it, but no big deal if not. All the ash trees on the road need to come down soon anyway so I will have plenty of options soon enough.
Nice job (insert name here, I forgot). But looking at that stack of rounds in front of me, might be a little intimidating. Lol.
Me either. We shall see though. There is a ton of ash along that wooded access road that we need to start taking down proactively. This one broke the roots and started to fall, typical of dead ash from what Ive heard here. I'll talk to the trustees of our association and get them to sign off on a day where I organize some neighbors to drop all the ash and move them aside for a later date. I dont really have a lot of room for shoulder wood, maybe a couple cords max, but I could definitely put up some rounds for later processing elsewhere.
First Midwinter and now you. What is happening? Hoarders leaving wood on the side of the road That is just wrong.
I was trying to wrap up all of my Christmas orders today. I only have 7 more days of being able to move things around before being down for a week, so I needed to get everything built today so my wife can do her thing and we can get them delivered. The last thing I needed was to have a neighbor pull in the driveway and start talking about a tree that was leaning over the road, but once I saw it, I realized we needed to address it before it blocked the road.
Absolutely. I was just looking at a very large ash in my side yard this afternoon. Unfortunately, the only way that it can come down with out hanging up is right where one of my sheds is. Unfortunately, all of the ash trees really started to die off here this fall. All the bark is starting to shed. We are going to be swimming in ash soon. Its one of the predominant trees in the immediate area.
Took two loads of oak home from my friend's yard, only took a picture of one: My driveway right now, it all has to get moved before the snow Wednesday night. There's probably a load and a half left to get. I think I can get it home before the snow.
Nicely done. Snow doesn't arrive until Wednesday, after sunset. It currently looks like a minor snow event for you. Not here.
A local ski resort just opened for the season. They normally open before Thanksgiving. They said it was all man made.