Good craigslist find this morning. Ash, victim of the EAB, taken down yesterday. Two van loads for a nice result. A lot more there if anyone is in the Baltimore area. Shoot me a message and I will share the location.
Christmas time at the dump, oak and pine. The guys with the truck have 3 more loads to bring. Get that Bronco rolling, Mwalsh9152!
They have a truck and wood. You have a need. Ask them to deliver to your place. Christmas in May! Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
Two loads so far. The truck is bringing it faster than I can take it. Got time for one more trip before the dump closes at 4.
This is what's left... You can't tell I've even taken any. Nice thing, I can pick the straight rounds that give 4 splits each.
Looks like it's even cut to length. Time for a tall glass of ice water. Going back in the morning? Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
I'm done, and there's still plenty left. I made three more trips today, and I could tell they were still bringing more. They said their boss cut a bunch of trees on his property 3 years ago, and just left it lying there, all cut up. Now he wants it gone. It sat in some wet, I can tell, because the bark is rotting off. No ants and very few grubs. Final pile, probably a cord once split.
" I'm done, and there's still plenty left. " I don't understand what that means. Explain, please? Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
OMG, I don't want to look at another piece of oak! Tomorrow I'm going to Cambridge to pretend I'm a city girl.
Good work! Sit back with a cold drink and admire your hard work. Hoard on! Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
I had to search for this thread! No major wood scores at the dump lately, but I've found some other useful stuff. A couple plastic pallets and a milk crate that says WAWA... And a no-rust galvanized can with lid for my splitting scraps. Doesn't take much to make me happy!
Looks good!! and keep at it. You can never have to much oak. Last week St. Louis 105°F including heat index. Not much scrounging for me right now.