Yes. It's a small entity private as I'm told. I'm not sure "how big" this business is. I don't care either... They get the wood, I get a clear lot.
All I need is a 150ft radius of where my house is going, per insurance safety quote. I made it 200ft. Anything that could fall and hit the house is going bye, bye... Not to mention I'm a stickler about fire! I was trained very well in the US Navy about firefighting and as much as I love the woods, I don't like it close to my home if the woods start burning. Lastly, I do want a bright and airy landscape where the house will be. Sun exposure will be paramount in the winter!
Yup I agree on all that. Just hoping someone isn’t trying to pull a fast one on “the new guy from south jersey”. The deal soundS too good to be true.
Well, Molly was already up there and seen "some of the cutting". I have watch dogs in the area and some locals that I have met and done business with are looking hard. "IF" they try or do, things will get ugly, I Promise you!!! I might be from South Jersey but FAR from dumb! I don't take a $#!T with out a plan and a back up plan!!!
Oh, and forgot to mention, I don't care if they sell or what ever they do with the wood. The agreement was, land cleared, wood is yours/there's. Time will tell but I'm much further than I was a couple months ago and I have a contractor and excavator on the back burner for beginning to build. I have a price for them doing it or the way it's going now, so if this works I save $$$$.$$
I understand that you wouldn’t gointo it willy nilly. But I have lived here all my life and understand “small town” politics. Wile most wood cutters are honest there is a segment that are like pirates come in take more than you agreed on leave a mess then they are gone. You can go after them but the trees don’t grow back. And they usually go bankrupt right when they need to pay out.
Thanks and I appreciate that concern, "and I was warned"! Pictures every day are coming my way! I also have a good friend who can look at it in real time via satellite. "I" don't have that access, but it's good to have friends in Interesting places! There are a lot of folks with eyes, I'll just leave it at that...
Hey guys, Just a little fun post here. I haven't posted in a while, only lurking...Had some old hand wound issues flaring up.... plus some days just too hot! This evening I decided I better start getting busy so I reinforced my palm with many wraps and gloves and did a little hand splitting of shorties and uglies. Mostly long dead and dry mixed wood that I made into a monument. Sorry buZZsaw BRAD I don't mean take the attention away from your stacking, but this does count for some kind of modified cribbing...I think? I present to you the Pride of Newark NJ - "The Tower of Testosterone"... My wife thinks I'm trying to compensate for something. Just let them TRY to take this monument down! Support beam built to NJ code...totally child safe Don't worry this is only a temporary location will be neatly stacked in one of my wood shelters Another view of the operation and a starter stack of rounds and uglies. Mostly small fallen park branches that I will be adding to as the summer progresses
Nice to hear from you UW. Thought maybe you had been abducting by wood hording aliens or something. Sorry to hear about the hand flaring up, but us hoarders learn how to adapt and overcome...or just grin n' bear it! I like the cribhausen! A NJ original. Hows the pizza oven doing? Been using it at all?
Yes buZZsaw BRAD , actually a lot of these shorts and uglies are slated for the old stove. I used the pizza oven a few times in the last month with great success. A few weeks ago I had guests over and made a wonderful sirloin roast. A week later I had some students over and made pizza of course and also a broiled garlic shrimp dish. I've used it a few times, but to be honest with these shelter in place rules still in play having gatherings of people the size worth firing up the stove have been keeping it sitting cold longer than I'd like. As for me I really don't care much about the "social distancing recommendations", but people in general are just having small get togethers ...if they're even having any at all. Even if like me you don't believe all the virus hype, everyone has an elderly or health compromised person in their life and no one wants to be responsible for bringing something home to them. Outside of visiting my own family relatives which all live hours away in other states I haven't really been out to too many friends houses nor they to mine. It's like everyone feels it just isn't worth the aggravation and so its all small one on one visits mostly. This has been a crazy few months not to mention all the protesting that was going on in this whole area for a few weeks which had everyone on edge. Remember I'm in the Newark area which still hasn't recovered fully from the riots of the 60s and 70s. So long story short it's still weird here, but speaking for myself I think it's all being blown way out of proportion and I can only assume it's for an opportunistic political power grab....But I digress. Anyway, thanks for the kind words and motivation on the hand...Btw don't ever tear off half your palm, apparently you need it and a scarred up skin graft is no substitute for the real thing. . I will try to post more in the coming weeks as now is the time I start to increase my stock, but please remember I'm still just an urban car hoarder. Hey that sounds like a song!
If made from rocks, I'd be calling your stack a cairn Stacked rocks, more commonly known as Cairns, placed along the trail signify that you are on the right track. It is a marker guiding you to the correct path or trail in cases where navigation becomes difficult and the trail may be easily lost.
It sure says "look at me!" Every now and the we have to accomplish SOMETHING... I haven't picked up my splitting axe in weeks! I hope you can keep it up, without your hand bothering you too much.
You can still burn wood in "Newark"? Wow! I figured the wood burning police, Murphy and a few others would have stopped you by now! Here, down in the south areas, you can't have a fire pit, (new ones) if you have one, it's Grand fathered, out door fires are only granted to campgrounds, you need a special inspection for a wood stove, "then taxed on carbon foot print tax", no farting within 50ft of a open flame due to possible explosion Nice work on your wood pile! I do see your as jammed packed as I am with neighbors!!! NOT for long though....
Yes, but I always feel it's just a matter of time before some law gets passed that will shut my operation down. Soon as I retire in a few years I'm thinking I'll be out of Jersey. Where? who knows? but yeah I'm sick of being jam packed with neighbors (though I am on a corner lot which helps) even though everyone pretty much keeps to themselves. Here's an issue, the house next door to me was just rebuilt and sold to NYC residence looking to flee the city. I havent even met them yet, but the builder told me they are from down town NYC. If they are crappy neighbors that can really effect me given how close I am ...a few feet. Hopefully it works has been vacant for a few weeks so dont know whats taking them??