I have on occasion but didn’t this year. I have a good idea what my profit margins are though. After the big push this past weekend, I set a new record income wise while being 15 cords behind my total cordage last year.
I have a supersplit and an 8 way splitter mounted on a skid loader, so I could pre-split with the 8 way. When I added up all my hrs and what I paid my guys ($12 hr) I made less than $5 per hour but I was stacking. Idk what others profit but I hope it's more than what I made.
I have a couple college kids home on break right now who are very motivated and I keep getting calls and messages from people wanting firewood so that's keeping me going strong right now. Haven't taken any pictures recently but I hope to today or tomorrow. I have 2 deliveries to make after work today and that is how this week is shaping up - at least one if not two deliveries each afternoon. Lots of cold (for us) weather still in the forecast so I'd imagine I stay busy for a while with deliveries which I am ok with. Almost time to start another thread....
Have made 7 deliveries after work so far this week with another one scheduled today and two more for Friday. Loving this cold weather! Setting a new record for sure this year. Here’s a picture of the current oak pile I am working out of plus some totes I still have.
Had a woman reach out from about 25 miles away and in a congested area with lots of traffic lights. I have always turned these down but figured I could try to tap into that market because it is close to Philly and a wealthy area. I upped my deliver charge big time when I quoted her a price for a half cord of cherry and she jumped on it. $285 is what I quoted and she happily handed me 3 benjamins when I backed into her driveway. 40 minutes there and 45 minutes home. I don't think I want a ton of business out that way but I will gladly take it when I can work it into my schedule.
Ive frowned on far away deliveries too, but folks don't seem to mind when I quote. One of my bundle deliveries is an hour one way. Had another FBM sale in the Fall that was an hour one way. Made out very well on that one. I hope you had the ruck plastered with Eagles stickers. May have helped with your tip!