Timely thread. I went and checked the crabapple and roses. The crabapple had a bunch of curling leaves stuck together. I opened them up and there they are. I believe these are winter moths. savemoney thanks for putting up that product. I have to get some. I went and checked my neighbors cherry trees and he has them too. There are two in this picture. They are less than 1/4 inch long.
I've seen more tent caterpillars, dandelions, and maple helicopters this year than I can ever remember.
Hello guys and gals. Want to attract your FHC significant other faster? Introducing the all new FHC fragrance from Smokinpiney! Burnt Caterpillars!
I have some this year, like most years. My dad always burned them. About a year ago, I'm with my 13 year old daughter and I tell her the story of my dad burning them and we decide to make a torch and get the low hanging ones along the driveway and paths. On about the third one something drips down from the tent (on fire) and lands in foot deep dry leaves covering the ground. I start to stomp it out as my daughter watches, after a minute or so, I can see this is not going out with me doing a rain dance on the leaves. Panic starts to slowly sink in. I send my daughter to the building to get a pale of water as I continue to stomp . It's quickly becoming a losing battle and the fire is getting big now. Daughter arrives with a full pail of water which I dump along a perimeter trying to keep this under control. Now I'm getting worried 12 X 12 foot ring of fire with flames 3 feet high and quickly growing. I send petrified daughter to get the 10lb fire extinguisher and let it rip! Fire is out! We get another 20 buckets of water to soak the now 20 x 20 burned out area. Came within a whisker of burning down potentially hundreds of acres. That's my tent caterpillar story....
Should that ever happen again, take something, even your feet if nothing else, and sort of rake things toward the fire. That will burn, of course but the fire runs out of anything else to burn and quickly goes out. Fire departments typically even tell folks to use a broom or anything handy to do this and it works plus it is the quickest and easiest way to stop a small fire. Of course a raging forest fire, well, that is another story.
We got them up here already too dave. Hurtin the cherries and getting started on my apple trees. Hard to stay on top of them. I usually cut out the tent and toss in fire pit.