I’m just about done, I put up a bunch a few years ago. I think I have 3 cords left, pretty sad about that.
Did our first overnight load yesterday evening. Still had a nice bed of coals this morning. Assorted chunks and 2 splits in the back.
Got er plumb full. Just noticed a carpenter bee made a home in the top right split. Best of luck my friend.
I used to stack my wood in the stove 3 logs front to back and then 3 logs sideways on top of them and then 3 logs front to back on top of them, but now, thanks to this thread, after the fire gets going, I stack everything front to back, and the fire lasts much longer on the overnights. Thanks FHC.
This should last till morning if I finally get the hang of this new beast. Someone asked for something for scale on a Lopi Liberty, so a 22" measuring stick. Owl
Douglas fir and cherry. This is my first year trying cherry and it's AWESOME. Most of it needs another summer but I'm burning some that feels dry in these super low temps.
Got er jam packed for the night. It’s going to be cold. Ok so not as cold as others on the forum but it’s all we got.
Temps supposed to be in the minus range by morning. That, is rare cold for us. Packed in a belly full of crooked oak limb wood, should keep us through the night pretty easy. Burrow in like ticks Hoarders. Everyone stay warm and safe. Owl
I’m in the habit of burning cherry with pine or spruce, or for hardwoods ash or maple (anything that burns hot) I found it to be the absolute best way to get the most out of cherry. Enjoy!