Me. Im in the FHC poor house because of them! Just kidding. Love my pro saws, but honestly couldnt say a bad thing about my 290.
What went wrong with your 391 RobGuru other than the bearing? The clutch bearing went on my 290 and it was a simple fix. The only time any of my bought new Stihls ever had issues. I looked up the 391 powerhead weight...13.67 lbs. and 4.4bhp. A 362 pro saw (59cc) is 12.3 lbs and 4.69bhp. Price is roughly $150-200 more for the 362. The only other member i know that has a 391 is Woodsman . Maybe he can throw his two cents in.
Dont remind me...i stopped at my OPE dealer yesterday to see if the two 500i's came in and none. You do pretty good yourself there Ron. Speaking of which you dont have a sig line so dont know what you are running.
I run older saws. Stihl 026, 036, 044, 066. The 026 and 036 are my go to saws right now. I've been cutting oak logs into firewood and an 18" and 20" on the 026 and 036 respectively have worked up 28 inch diameter wood fine. I haven't ported any saws. I have opened up the mufflers a bit and adjusted carbs. Equivalent saws would be 261 and 361. Non pro saw would be the 270-290. I don't recall the 300 series consumer saw grades.
I have been infected with CAD pretty bad, since I started frequenting this board. It's easy to find a reason to buy another saw. I have mainly Stihl saws, and probably will continue to used mostly Stihl saws, because all we have around here that I have found is Stihl Dealers. However, once I finally got the bugs out of my Jonsered, I really like it, and there is a lot I like about Husky's, and parts are cheaper for Husky's, vs. Stihl, when it comes to full wrap handlebars and stuff like that. However, I do like my Stihl's and currently own a 261 C, a 362, and an MS 462CM. I use them all, but I probably reach for the 362 with it's 24" Lightweight bar, most often. Stihl bars are called 25 inchers, but they are really only 24" and have the same amount of drivers (84) on the chain, using 50 gauge x 3/8" pitch chain. I run a 28" Lightweight bar on the 462 CM, and it will pull more, and sometimes I think about getting a 32" Lightweight bar for it. The 261 C wears a 20" bar, and I recently switched from .325 pitch to 3/8 pitch x 50 gauge bar on it, but I am running skip tooth on it. My advice, and it's worth just about what it's going to cost you, is get the 462 CM, and maybe buy the power head only' if they don't have a 25" lightweight bar, or just get it with a 20" bar, then buy a 24" lightweight bar for it, as your main bar. Then eventually purchase a 28" bar for the occasional need or even a 32". The 462 gives you that little bit of extra power and versatility. I keep a 28" on mine, but that's because I already have a 24" bar on my 362.
I have a 391 , myself. Bought it needing work when I got it the bar was toasted. Had an issue of not getting oil to the bar , I found that the stud that the bar mounts on had backed out of the case about 1/2 turn where it screws itself into the plastic part of the body not allowing the bar to seal against the oil slot in the case side. Tightened that up and it's fine now. Good saw but I have only run it a couple times. Guess I should blow off the dust and use it a little more often.
Forgot about yours. Knew i had seen another member with one. Yes, get it dusted off. Be nice if we could get a couple 50* days but none in sight.
Great info guys. Sounds like the 391 or the 462 with the 25” bar is the way to go. Just have to decide if I wanna go pro or not. Gonna try to go by the shop and look at a few in the next day or two. Thanks for all the reply’s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
50* days don't seem to be anytime soon. Really getting eager to get out and get some work done. Cut , split , and get mill going . All of the above. I would be happy even with some colder days without any more of this white stuff.
I would not suggest a 391. I had one and traded it for a 260. The 391 was bulky and heavy for the power. Go with a good used pro saw or spend the extra for a 462. or to muddy the waters, wait for the 400i like I am! But who knows how long that will take to get here?!
It was three small items. But, can't remember them. I tend to check the forum while at lunchbreak at work. I'll find the work order tonight and share.
Got to keep you guessing Brad. Actually I have no clue how to add a sig line. Can you do that on cellular device?
on top above new posts there is your user name; click on it and you can add stuff to your signature line. If you turn phone sideways you can see others signatures
Probably. I dont have a touch screen phone. Just a cheapo flip phone here...$15 a month. Do you access the forum from a computer? If so move the cursor to your name in the upper right corner and a box opens up. Click on "signature" and you can make your list there. My skills with a PC are limited and it took a while to figure it out so i hear ya!
I'm a bit late to this party, but welcome to FHC! You stated Stihl is your brand of choice due to a good dealer & that's a big factor for me as well. I'm a Stihl guy as well, but have nothing against the Huskys & Echo saws. Both make good quality machines. With that out of the way, I'm firmly in the 462 camp as well. My 046 is fitted with a 28" bar & pulls it well. I bought it rebuilt to stock years ago. Rope 's post about the ported 261/462 combo is really right on. A healthy 261 will far out cut a 290 & a 462 will blow a 391 into the weeds without breaking a sweat. Get them ported & they're absolutely vicious saws. Pro saws have better power to weight ratios & better anti vibe tech for all day use. Less fatigue = better production & less danger from working tired. Truly happy to have you here & help spend your hard earned money!