So stop. If you let the issue go and stop responding to every post on the subject the tension would ease up quite a bit.
Your the one that brought the controversy. Bringing up the 362 vs 665 in a thread it didn't belong in. I agree...It's rather easy to stop... Just seems impossible for some.
damm.. I leave to go run a saw and this thread got derailed too.. All over a saw that this thread isn't even about. SMH.. Over tenths of a second!! Heck no! That saw is by far one of my favorites. I know you know what I am talking about!.!.!. The 362 is a phenomenal saw. I love mine and can't wait to get the 3/4 wrap mounted on it. To whom it may concern - I won't say what I've said a hundred times. I guess some people will never get it.
I only replied to Griz who quoted square about your solo avatar. Thats how that was brought up. Really I did not bring up solo first. So I guess the video is loading onto the youtube
No video.. My last two caused to much controversy and had people telling me what should have happened in the video. It runs good and I am very happy with it.
Not even by itself? How about the hornets nest again? Or your stack of cookies drying for this winter?
Oh heck! I wanted to see a Monkied 50cc rip!!! It will be easy Dex?? Turn ur camera on, take one look at the hornets nest, and let her rip!!!lol
That hornets nest is half the reason why.. It's getting bigger by the day. Has to be a thousand in there? At the least..
I bet when he cut the nest and took off runnin he would get a behind view of his azz because it would pass him up!!!! Lmao!!
Just mix up some 30wt 16:1 and let 'er rip. That'll keep 'em away from ya.... You need me to come out there and exterminate that nest?
In the middle of average hive of domestic honey bees has about 80,000 bees. I have no idea about hornets.... I would not advise you to underestimate them though.
I bet ole Dex would run like a Masterminded Solo 681 with a #2 washtub full of xb brand bananas in it!!
Sorry I cant help myself fellow FHC members Are you trying to make it look like I derailed this thread? If so what did you edit? Anyone can go back and understand that I was not changing the subject to the Solo I was just having fun.........maybe you should try it And yes I made a edit to correct my spelling
I edited it to insert your quote. I tried to insert grizes quote but the phone would not cooperate so I could not get it. No I did a pretty good job of derailing it my self , but i wasent gonna be the one who brought up solo when i wasent, sorry This post was edited for autocorrect inserting the wrong word