Welcome aboard Squatch I'm sure you'll get plenty of info and opinions on those saws. I have no experience with the larger saws.
MS461 is a great saw! Dealer support and extra bars and chains are bonuses. I've never really spent any time with the 441CM or 372, but they are both supposed to be excellent saws, too. No wrong answers. Keep an eye out in the classified. You can save some major cashola there.
Yeah, I’ve got some good experience with a 660 and put value in lighter weight. I still need to move the rounds after I cut them. I need to buck up large oaks quick, but do so for 6-7 hours on end. I’m replacing a 660 / 361 combo. Great setup.. but it’s time for a refresh. The 660 had an air leak, leaned out and appears to have burnt up the top end (2nd time, previous was not done by me, I rebuilt it the 1st time) the 361 is great. But I’m wanting to buy something new (for once) and wanting to bridge the gap with 1 saw. I’ve always been budget conscious and rebuilt and run saws but it’s time for a refresh which is why I’m putting so much thought into the purchase.
Have you reviewed the not yet but soon to be released to the US market Stihl MS462? I am seeing and hearing good things about it. Power to weight ratio being one of them.
A 660 is a tad heavier than a 441, but you notice the power and torque. The 660 will also out cut the 441 if it has an 8t sprocket. I have never used a 661, but every comparison I have seen of them and a 660, the 661 is hotter. Then there is the 462 that is supposed to be out sometime soon. If I was going to buy a 70cc saw right now, I'd try to hold out for the 462. If you are looking for one saw for firewood, a 70cc would be a better choice than a 90cc. Most people would probably go with a 60cc(362) for a 1 saw plan, but I understand that you want to get the job done quick. In 20'' wood I can cut 3 blocks with my 441 to 2 blocks with an 034 Super.
Yes, and the 500i even more so. Ive asked (via general email) Stihl when they’ll be out for the past year and the date keeps moving! ..,, in the wrong direction. I’m in a position of needing something now, but not having the 462, 500i or 572 available. Good news is the current options aren’t bad.. I just want the best.
If your looking for something now the very saw I started this thread over, I don’t use. If your interested in it let me know.