Sure will. One of the things that surprised me when I went to square is how much more durable it was over round. Have you noticed yet?
I have Jason, wound up buying a 100’ roll and making my own loops. I am converted. I have not figured out how I never knew anything about square. Dealers around me must have never had it or just did I not mention it. I have seen the light.
It wasn't a thing a few years ago. I went to my first gtg in '14 and no one had it. Then the next year Skippy had a saw with a loop he filed. It was pretty impressive. After that it slowly started becoming the hot ticket, at least in the as/ope/fhc circles I frequented. Learning how to do it brought me to FHC via this very thread.
How is this looking of than some dummy filing too low when he cleaned the gullet. I think I need to take the gullet back more. This my first time converting round to square. This chain came off of an 031 that had not been used in years. It is a Stihl chain and it is new enough that it has the witness marks for the filing angle on the cutter. It files like an Oregon chain. It is no where near as hard as the new RS.
Here you can see the narrow side is responsible for the side plate of the cutter, and the wide does the top plate. The corner of the file needs to line up with corner of the tooth.
The fella in that video really gets after that tooth. Way more rough than I am. I may need to take some queue from that, thanks for posting Jason.
Higher into the corner yes. Try leaving the tip of the file where you have it & bring the hand end up on the tooth. It'll give you more of a downward stroke. When converting I like to start with a flatter angle & bring it up each pass. Cuts down on the chatter.
I guess I am on the right track. I picked the file up about 5°. I did not get a good pic of that cutter yet. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I do. Kinda use my body and push through the swipe. I’m on my last cutter for this gtg/race chain. I’m pretty please so far. Hope it’s fast. I’ve been at it hard here lately.
Side-Beakin' might be the best phrase ever, I might insert that in conversations with strangers for fun, nobody listens to each other these days anyway If I get to the post office and the dreadlock weed freak is there making the entire post office smell like savage skunk I'll just nod at him with a smile and say "Dude, You're side-beakin'." Dave