Madsens sells loops of chain at 2 for 1 prices. I think it's around $35 a dl and you pay for the longest loop. You can mix and match.
A few of these would not have made it through one cut ....................changing out the cutters today. (Like picking up roadkill and tossing it off to the side)
Yeah, but they are sharp little muthas !!! The first pic has the corner still holding some of my skin
Flapper wheel on a dremel, files, or whetstone and go down the side. This is a chain a great guy in NM made several years back.
Thats just GREAT !! NOW ............. I am going to have to take more off !!! Now that you two are slappin up pics everywhere of tools of destruction and bling bling chains Last place ................ here I come !!!!!
That's not my chain. That's one of the guys from the old racesaws days. I think he had 25 hours in it.
I learned dog boning wasnt necessary even for 3ci chains. Also you can do all you want to a racechain. Just dont forget to stone it for the final touch. Yes a gooooood chain likes to get stoned. By the way I dont know chit about doing gooood chains so dont listen to me because I stunk with a file. But I have seen way worse