Thank you, sir! I don't mean to hijack the thread. Just trying to wrap my head around how to heat our home with wood. New to Alaska and new to burning. I've read many past posts and y'all have been very helpful.
Welcome to FHC! Willow is completely different than Aspen's. Willow had another name, "garbage wood" is what we call it. Lol. In all seriousness, Willow is the last wood that should be harvested for firewood. It's low BTU, and takes forever to season. Poplar/Aspen at least seasons quickly.
Are Alaska willows a tree? I’m not sure willow has any BTU But moose like it. It’s more a shrub . ... Alder also, I use it for smoking sometimes. Bears like to hide in alder thickets The chart is from UAF.
This beggar can't be a chooser—I split and stack anything that even remotely resembles wood Unfortunately, seems like most wood that's found up here in the last frontier is classified as "garbage wood." Windy down here in Eagle River this AM too. Maybe more folks will post downed trees on Craigslist (my main source for gathering wood so far).
Some dry, burnable now , look for beetle kill spruce. Several people are having them cut, friend in Chugach, near the airport picked up some (free) for his fire pit. Some close to you, within 30 minutes: anchorage free stuff "firewood" - craigslist
Split some today , threatened rain but got 2 tanks thru the splitter Warm, 45°, windy Mtns getting some weather
Glad you are done Dave. No doubt it will be getting more and more like winter all the time now up there. Time to start other activities.
Yea Got it all split Gotta a day or 2 of stacking to do. .... Go below 9 hours of daylight tomorrow ..... 41° this am Weather.... 10° or so above the “norm” More rain in the forecast
Looks like we are about to get hammered with some rain. Won't be hunting tonight. I'll hunt in the rain for rifle hunting but not for bow hunting. This is the week the scrapes have really been opening up too. Finding them all over and old ones renewed. Sort of gets one's heart beating faster. Got a few nice picture off trail cam again too.
All that sign, a Good chance a legal one will walk by your stand this year. Firewood is ready, now fill the freezer
Yep. Had him at 25-30 yards a few days ago but no shot as he was behind a clump of 3 trees. Saw only part of the antlers and part of the rear end before he took off like a shot toward some does.