Did it taste better than if you put the meat in the crock pot with the veggies? In other words, was it worth doing the sous-vide thingy??
I did it last time in the stew but only for 6 hours. Meat wasn't as tender. I probably should have done it for 8 hours. Don't have a true comparison for ya.
my circulator is encapsulated in a plastic housing. So I can rest it right on bottom. But that Coleman stackable 24 can cooler is right there it just barely touches.
I have some country style ribs in the sous vide. They'll be in there 26hrs when I pull them this evening. A quick sear on the grill w BBQ sauce and they'll be ready to eat. Pics to follow later.
A little DIY sous vide this week with a couple pieces of beef tenderloin I found vacuum sealed in the freezer. Kids had my other small plastic coolers away at college so I used this cheap old styrofoam one. Tap water was perfect at 140F. After an hour bath I checked the internal temp at 136F before the quick cast iron reverse sear. Went well with a side of cajun seasoned bacon fried brussel sprouts.
Both places run off wells and have hard water. First few pics are of the Anova with the base removed. I soaked it in some vinegar and it came out nice. After: The Chefman base didn’t come off, so I soaked it in a pint glass full of vinegar. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We have not gotten that setup yet but it is on the back of our minds. We also have well water. How often do you have to clean them in vinegar? Is it distilled white vinegar?
This is the first time I've cleaned either of them. I think we've had these for about two years now? I'd say the Anova gets used about once a week. The Chefman may have slightly lower miles on it, but hard to tell. (LOL). Plus, I'm sure the mineral make up off the wells in different locations makes a difference. Good question! I just used whatever white vinegar we had in the cabinets. I believe Anova recommends a 50/50 mix of water and vinegar then bringing the unit up to a certain temp for a period of time. I felt the direct application of vinegar to the unit would help clean it more efficiently.
That was my plan, there is a bag within the vac bag shouldn’t matter? I was thinking I’d put a small rock on them to keep them under water?
im not real experienced cookin meat with those thingys,but yea the rock sounds ok ...i use a large chunk of stainless square stock to sink large cuts when im brining in a cooler...ive thought about using truck parts
Vacuumed sealed packs of meat don't have air and will sink. I have never needed to weight down a vacuumed sealed pack. However, I do like the parts washer idea!