I dont mind the cut cut cut, but i cant find find find BL. Its around just in bit and pieces. Keeping after it and think i have enough for next years regulars. I sold almost ten cords of the stuff last year. I went up in price this year as well as delivery fee. All the repeats love it. Dry and accurate volume. Any black locust in your area sir?
No BL in my general middle TN location. However, lots of oak and hickory which is slightly lower in BTUs. Any dry hardwood will please most firewood buyers.
Threepeat regular called for his cord. Delivered half yesterday. Other half to go next week. He likes the wood so much he isnt burning his other wood. Says he may take next year off from BL to force him to burn the other. Decent stack of what looked like sugar maple from a distance. I suggested mixing.
I got one customer who asks me save him real dead oak with solid heartwood but a no bark chaffy exterior? What I would call dirty wood? He always wants some mixed in because when that chaff gets dry it’s like fire starters! Others don’t want the chaffy stuff so it all works out in the end.
Friend of mine gets oak (white and/or red) heartwood when i split big rounds of such. He likes the minimal mess factor. Ill stack them separate just for him.
New customer last year called and wanted more this year. He got bark on last year and is treated to barkles He agreed to the price including delivery and first half cord went this afternoon. Five more trips. A couple may go this week.
Selling BL by the cord i agree. He said i could stretch the deliveries out if i wanted. Couple more should go this week. Snow here messed things up...literally. 2-3 inches on the ground.
That's going to be one happy customer You inspired me to bring in a couple stove loads of BL for this weekend's cold snap. This year I haven't burned any of my stash (besides all that BL kindling you donated to the cause)
Kinda funny story. As im unloading from the first trip yesterday the guys telling me about playing stove tetris and the logs were so dry they were catching fire before he could get them arranged. I smiled and said thats what theyre supposed to do. He has two stoves he heats with. One modern cat stove he burns most of the time. Couple more trips.
What a wild past seven days! Just got home from my last delivery before the freezing rain hit. Had to turn down two deliveries today since I wasn't going to risk life and limb over firewood bucks. All the cutting, splitting and stacking I've done over the past two summers is paying off big time. Nashvillians love their dry white oak and hickory and price isn't a concern. $500 just in tips this week.
An observation. I have sold a lot of firewood to older single females the last few months. Seems they prefer hot fire wood to cold men. So I keep this in mind when creating my advertising posts. They want to feel secure when a stranger shows up with firewood. So keep this in mind when selling your firewood. Also, they communicate with each other and share who treats them well.
Have a new score/project as of this week. A local logger is selling me his rejects for $20 a face cord. Most logs are 18-24" and all about 12 months old. Lots of dirt and rock on them so doing a lot of wire brush action before each cut. Red&white oak, hickory, black walnut, beech, and a little hard maple. Cutting as much as I can with my 372XP w/20" bar. Will install my 24" bar as I get into the bigger stuff. My truper and fiskars mauls are getting a workout splitting the rounds into quarters. Like turning $20 into $280. Hope my 60 yr old joints can hang.