I have a few winter wood pile pics but I need to update them. I've added to the piles since these pics. They're made from pallets, old salvaged roof tin, and scrap lumber...
Here are some photos of today. We took a week or so worth of day time burning wood off the left side of the photo and stacked it in the garage. Our snow was much deeper last week but weve ended up with some mild weather lately thankfully. Its helpful in taking care of some outdoor chores.
That stack, with the cribbing, is a thing of beauty! Thanks for sharing Sent from my SM-T280 using Tapatalk
About 2.5 cord waiting patiently for next year. A bit of Spruce, about a cord of White Birch and about a cord of Sugar Maple. If it would stop snowing I could get out to the forest to grab some more.
It's been bitterly cold around here for a long time. It warmed up to above freezing for a couple of days, and now it's headed back below 0º... I noticed this on the piles today...
Very cool overhanging snow. Amazing how much the snow will stick together and still hang like that Thanks for the pics!
Man, now I'm all envious and stuff about snowy stack pics. I had a couple good ones from a few years ago, but seem to have misplaced them. Figures that we've not had enough snow last couple years for good pics. Well, it's only January yet... maybe I can contribute later this year.