It going to be a fun journey. As all of you know there is a lot of knowledge I have to learn. With top and side plate angles forward lean and gullets. I am super happy to have the grinder. I really appreciate all the help that Dallas and Kevin heve been. Dallas spent about 3 hours via phone, text and pictures getting the grinder set up. Kevin has been giving me angle advice for the ported saws he built for me. I am lucky to have their help. This would be a long painful learning experience without them, thanks fellas.
Once you catch on to it you’ll love it, I really like mine and the product I can produce with it. Square ground chain is a real treat to run for sure
I drank the kool aid and bought into square, have been running, don’t remember if it’s been going on 2 or 3 seasons. Like it enough to get a grinder.
That chain will cut good . A word of advice tho. I always try to do my depth gauges ( riders) before I grind or file. I keep a Carlton File O Plate on my key chain so I always have it handy. I like 30 thousands as a general rule. Your doing great !
Rope Very cool, I like good grinders myself. Too bad Silvey is no more. Most have never used diamond dressers. Since you have them you will really like the ability to profile the wheel in any manner you choose. A very slight touch with the diamond will fracture the grit rather than tear off like a dressing brick resulting in a much finer finish and sharper grit that results in a better finish and running cooler. The much larger wheel on your grinder is going to last a LONG time compared to the small bench mount round grinders. I prefer the resinoid wheels although they wear faster and are dustier than the vitrified which are hard and generate too much heat.
Just came in from bucking rounds testing out. I am a lucky man to have two good buddies to help me out with this grinder. It cuts great, pretty dang fast, going to lower the rakers a tad. I can’t thank dall and huskihl enough, they are the knowledge with this square grind. Well done men!
Going to have to get it tomorrow in the light. I ran out daylight, was bucking by tractor light and a head lamp.
I never cared for that hour+ of twilight you get up there this time of year. It just drags on and on.
Ground some chains(2) for my work buddy that helps me cut wood after work. And a few of mine that were Stihl round that I converted with a file. I am glad I got this grinder, now that I am looking closely at each tooth I can see how inconsistent I have been with a file. You can see some of the file marks that are on the tooth.