The taker has driven past the logs for a year. It would seem rational that he could has asked first. This behavior is one of the reason so much land is posted now. One fellow takes advantage of a situation resulting in restrictions to all. Wood on the side of the road is one think, but off the roadway is not public access. Around here, lots of folks will put stuff out along side the road just for the pickers. One man's junk will be another man's fortune. you would be surprised at the things others will haul off for you.
Wow just saw this, good thing the guy driving the pickup was civil about it, the other guy deserved a thump up long side the head, hes lucky the guy doing the video was calm and collected. Whats so hard about asking for permission, makes life much easier.
What difference does it make how one acquires land. If I or my trust is paying the taxes on the land it's my land to do with as I see fit . If you are paying taxes on it, it is yours to do as you see fit. I'll pay the taxes on my private property and you can pay the taxes on yours. The only entitlement going on here is the sense of entitlement based on somehow people who have inherited property shouldn't have. That's BS.
There's an awful lot of people that don't understand right-of-ways, utility corridors and even public properties (ignorance by choice and need) and justify stealing appropriating things they need want by a distorted perspective that supports their activity.
if your gonna sit there and state facts all day, then I'm just gonna sit here and agree with you all day. your land? for sure you can do whatever you want with it!! absolutely!!! hands down!!! without question!! your ancestors gave it to you? I say, "good for you" congratulations!!! enjoy it!!! do whatever you want with it!!! that being said, I've never met you, nor did I ever say you had the entitlement mentality. the only bs here is you thinking I'm passing judgment on you.
I am surrounded by farms, posted no trespassing on their lands. I get 3 cord a year from neighbors, they just want to know who is on their land, what they are doing and the land will be left better than it was found. Neighbor farmer caught me picking up garbage on side of road. A little courtesy and respect go a long way.
I find it interesting that a moron like that would also name the roads timber names They should be renamed to NO Cedar ridge, lack of arbor way, No timber way it is amazing that he did not even let a clearing contractor do it but it was bmost likely the cheapest way cannot fix stupid
What I have read on right-of-ways is that they only extend to the party that holds the right-of-way. The power company has the right-of-way but not anyone else; so you can't go along the power line right-of-way and cut wood even if the power company has dropped trees. The same is for the state right-of-way; that only extends to the state and not anyone else. So even if the wood is on the state right-of-way, it still belongs to the property owner even if they don't get it. It is best to ask the property owner for permission.
I often see downed trees on property that has been there for years. I wish I had a truck because I would ask the property owner about cutting the wood; many would love to see the woods "cleaned up" and might be more than happy to let you get the wood. If they say no, then no lost; however, they might just say yes. If the guy in the video had just asked first, then it would have saved the labour of cutting and hauling to the trailer.
I also need to comment that, it's easy finding out who owns land. the local tax maps of "nearly" every town and city has a kiosk now. I also have to touch on this, Up in New Hampshire I have acreage. Asplundh cut down a couple trees years back before I bought my land and dropped them on the front of my property. They left the wood and chipped the branches, now it's "my" responsibility to get rid of them. When I spoke to the town about it because it's close to the road's edge, they said it's yours! Good luck! It's on your land! So, with that said I "wish" someone would have taken it, but it doesn't give anyone the right to "just take it"! It's a shame I don't know the guys in the Video, I got plenty for him!
[QUOTE="] It's a shame I don't know the guys in the Video, I got plenty for him! [/QUOTE] It's great that you'd be willing to give it away but I'd never give it to those two!