if someone was on my land picking up some garbage I didn't want or need. I'd offer them a bottle of water. IME, land owners, (usually 3rd generation) who inherit the land from their parents, get the entitled attitude as if they "earned" the land. and they walk around like they are better than other ppl. its funny to meet a 16 year old kid say "this is my land." makes me laugh, but that's how the entitled attitude starts. top notch video editing and tittle though.
Busted! What a piece of work. Better double up on the BP meds today. Now you know just why when some people get pulled over by the police, they always get a ticket!
Now why in the heck was that changed? I had typed a jumbled up word that originally read "forget about it" but all run together and pronounced phonetically? Sheesh!
I have to say he handled it a bit different than I would have. That guy needed an attitude adjustment.
Donny Price , We had a similar situation here when they widened the Garden state parkway, they cut down "thousands, thousands and thousands" of cords or all species of trees. I went to ask and was "abruptly" told no and stay away!!! Some folks did take some and were quickly arrested! It was a contract and I watched wood go into a chipper for weeks!!! It was sickening as you said and not 1 stick "that I know of" was ever used for firewood. Because it was on state property they didn't want the liability of people cutting and taking wood. Welcome to New Jersey!
Dave, I have "No Idea" what happened??? I don't know if the website program here tryed to fix it??? I'm clueless Maybe Well Seasoned can answer...
The original misspelled word got changed in the naughty words dept. There's a spelling elf that works overtime behind the scenes.
The liability problem is real. One of my customers owns a undeveloped section of property that was once a farm. Even with no trespassing signs kids would party down by the creek always leaving trash ect. Well he gets sued because someone gets snagged on a piece of old rusty barbed wire. His insurance had to settle it for him and his premiums went up a bit.
What's really mind boggling about this is who the hell does he think he is to just drive up to someones land and just take $#!T! He'd of been looking down a barrel while "I" was speaking! Also, he'd of called me an @$$hole just 1 more time, he'd have drove away on 4 flat tires!
Honestly, as soon as the thief started in with his rant, it would have taken a different course with me. I've been in those circumstances before and it does get ugly very quick! The guy filming has more patience and did well.
This is what I was attempting. fuggedaboutit or fuh·ged·da·boud·it, fug·ged·a·boud·it [ fuh-ged-uh-bou-tit or fuh-ged-uh-bou-dit ] Nonstandard. contraction of forget about it (used especially to emphasize improbability, and often used as an interjection):
The ones that "listen" to others are really the stupid ones! I just can't believe someone has the "balls" to not at least ask someone or find out who the land owner is.
This is a different situation then what I’ve done in the past. if I see wood on the side of a highway I’ll take it If I see wood being cleared for a development and I know they are gonna chip it or burn it then I’ll take it but I’m not pulling over in an obvious residential area and taking from the woods. TOTALLY DIFFERENT IMHO. If you don’t agree then that’s your opinion