Maybe start a new thread for this issue? Something like Harman P68 slow startup. Someone mentioned this before and I dont know if you have done it, but have you really confirmed this by adding in a handful of pellets before letting the stove do its thing? If you are correct then you will get a much quicker startup. My stove is off this morning and I have to leave for work so I cant watch a startup cycle until tonight. I would like to see where the pellets are in the burn pot during a normal startup-I dont recall having pellets much above the first row of air holes and I know that its not a full pot to the edge, but I havnt watched it for that either. Maybe someone with a P68 can conform this earlier than I can. I say this because the P68 has a larger burn pot than the rest of the stoves mentioned.
Thanks G. I will start a new thread, should have done that a while ago. I can tell you if the pot is pre loaded with pellets, the stove starts up at what I would consider normal speed - 5 mins. If you could observe your startup that would be great. Tonight I will take a pic of the pot after the stove finishes its initial 4 min feed operation so you can see what it looks like. Thanks again.
I was writing the new thread as you posted this! See here -> Harman P68 Slow Startup | Firewood Hoarders Club
Regarding Inferno Gold being Corinth. Here is a pic of this years Inferno Gold and spring of 2014 Corinth. The lighter ones are the Corinth. The Infernos burned pretty clean and had good heat. Glass stayed clean as well. If pricing was right (239/ton) I would buy them for sure. At 299/ton they are