I like buying and drinking Lite Beer ez on the wallet $17.00 / 30 pack and it takes me where I need to be ,so that makes prefect sense to me
What you paying over there, Jay? It's pretty cheap around here. $17 for a case of bottles at BJ's or Wegmans.
Definitely agree with this. Last season at HD and TSC, prices were much better and so was the selection. This season has been the exact opposite. Prices are $270-ish+ and the selection is downright awful. The only thing that was even mildly tempting around here was some Energex, Ligs, and AWF Hardwoods - all leftover from last season. With MWPs at ~$260 and Vermonts, Lacretes, Blazers, and Somersets at ~$300 at local pellet stores, it's quickly turning into a no-brainer where to stock-up going forward.
First of all, I didn't know the stove would do a second feed sequence. I've never seen mine do that. But it sounds like your stove is requiring 3 and 4 feeds before it starts, so something is definitely wrong. Have you ever tried putting a handful of pellets in the stove before startup?
Be happy you can buy them, they don't sell them in Maine. I guess they did for a while years ago but had a dispute with the state and stopped.
You mention not much difference in BBS shoulder stuff. I noticed today the Lowes 2 miles down the road, has their pricing at $299 and $349... We still have La Crete etc at $285... Olympus at $349. You are right... Not much difference..