If you can afford to keep both, in terms of $ and good will with the wife, keep both. If not, keep the Remington. Seems that is the one you want. $400 difference is nothing, you already spent the $.
If the MRS factor is insistent… I’d keep the 870 as well. Easy enough to put ghost rings and a tube extension on it.
Thank goodness my wife has never ever said such blasphemy. Never have I ever sold, or gotten rid of in any other fashion, a gun once it's mine... Tell her you are only keeping one. One Mossberg, and one Remington. And I'm serious.
Reminds me of something that happened shortly after I was married. I talked with a guy at work and found out he had a remmington 1100 (semi auto) that he bought along with a few boxes of shells. He opened one box, fired it a few times and then never used it. $200 for the gun, case and the associated ammo. Talk about a happy camper here! When I got home, I couldn't wait to tell her but she said, "Wait, I have something I want to tell you first!" Seems during the day, she went to a rummage sale and found a washer and dryer (we had none at the moment' and despised trips to the laundromat) that a retired couple was selling as they were moving. Only a few months old. $250!!! "Now what was it you wanted to tell me?" She was nice and agreed that I should get the shotgun but there is no way I could justify a "want" when there was a "need" to be fulfilled. I'm pretty sure she still uses the same washer/dryer.............40 years later! But, in the case of the question posted in this thread, I agree with everyone so far and say get/keep both guns. At your age and stage of life, this should not be something needing approval. Just more of a courtesy of notifying the spouse that "I plan on purchasing" type of thing. (No offense intended) Think about the $$$$ spent of insurance policies (auto, homeowners, etc) that has been spent over the years with absolutely no return, for example........don't get me started!
I’ve sold a few, traded a few. What’s important is no net loss in total number, that should always be increasing. Oh!, and did I mention, the Tulsa arms show is coming right up?
My first real date with the woman who is now my wife was to a gun show. It was only the second time we were together in person. I figured she just as well know right off the bat. After a a couple more shows, as I was contemplating a purchase, she asked if I really needed that particular gun. It was then that I politely explained to her that “need” has very little, if anything, to do with purchasing a gun. She doesn’t say much at all about it nowadays. In fact, going to the world’s largest gun show twice a year in Tulsa is something she looks forward to and makes sure she gets the days off from work far in advance.
My wife grew up with more guns than I did, so that helped. Also, she can't say much to me when the other year she decided to buy a used dan wesson and a sig at the same time. Which reminded me, i should post what I picked up the other day....
Completely agree. ^^^ I've only ever sold one weapon in my life. My sister wore me down and got me to sell her an Ithaca Model 37 that I had 2 of. One that I purchased in high school, and one that I purchased later in life from a co-worker. She wanted it as a gift for her BF. Jag off pawned the shotgun. By the time I found out, the gun was sold. I'd have purchased it and would have 3 currently. I have my original, and the one I inherited from my mother. Won't sell ANY of my guns.
My wife also grew up around more guns than I did. She never bats an eye when I say I'm buying another. One of my revolvers is in her night stand.
look at it this way you can get rid of ONE gun or HALF your stuff................. I would keep the 870
If a persons other 1/2 would divorce over a single gun purchase, it probably wasn't a good idea to marry them in the first place.