Yeah, all the garbage like plastic bags and water bottles burn up (completely would be nice but I doubt it) in the forest and field fires as well.
Yeah, we've had some rockin' storms recently. Last night was pretty wicked. 130,000 households lost power in SE Wisconsin last night. The crews are out this am restoring power. 86 mph winds at our friends house in fox point. More storms again tonight. Could be a repeat. If it wasn't so flipping hot, there would certainly be good firewood scrounging possibilities.
We had that yesterday. Luckily, Lake Michigan had a nice lake breeze and it was much more tolerable at my house. However, in winter, that lake breeze comes around and will dump 2-3 feet of snow on us that doesn't reach inland more than a couple of miles.
Losing power anytime sucks but especially in this heat. I think tomorrow is our day/night of possible severe weather, the last severe weather our area received hit north of us in Potsdam NY to Norfolk NY.
Yes, I'm very happy we didn't lose power. The ac unit was running even last night off and on. It was extremely muggy with dewpoints higher than forecasters have ever seen here.
My number of household with power outages was not as high as it got up to. It wasn't 133,00, it guy up to 177,000 customers. The largest number of customers out of power since the company has been around, which is 100 years. We dodged the storms tonight. South and north, nothing here except crazy dew point and 90+°.
Can't like that, stay safe. We could get something tomorrow, we'll see what they're saying in the morning.