Most of the heavy rains have been staying south of us and recently east of us has been getting the heavy rains. We did get some rains today but not enough to matter. Our county finally put a burn ban on because some people are just plain stupid when it comes to burning brush in dry conditions. We even had a person throw hot ashes in a very large pile of pine needles,leaves and grass clippings, there were 12 fire trucks at the location. There are 3 or 4 large piles about 50 to 70 yards long that our town turns with a payloader until it turns to dirt.
"Official" rainfall totals are now being reported. 5.11 inches, over about 4hrs, reported for my town.
That's a chit ton! Any damage reports? It's still raining here and we're approaching an inch. Nice and steady...
No real damage, here. Some flooding in other locales. Round 2 is currently underway. Steady rain, moderate. Some thunder Chased Mrs MikeInMa, off the golf course
glad for the rain now. Gardens so dry. Plus, with all the local fireworks canceled due to the virus, the fireworks vendors report record sales so there will be a lot of people setting off their own displays. Fire danger should be lower with the rain. Lets hope no one gets injured with their displays.
Since yesterday at 1500 hrs., we having gotten a lot of much needed rain. Pouring buckets at times, and steady at other times. The grass is all brown, but we don't care about that. It's the three gardens that matter, and with a well only fifteen feet deep that was very low and barely recharging, this rain was a godsend. We are very happy to say the least.
I've been thinking about your gardens. I know you and your wife put a lot of work into your harvest. Lets hope the rain was not too late.
Glad to hear it! We havent received the intense downpours, but they have been all around us. Water levels were getting pretty low in the cove in my pond.
~FOLLOWUP~ I was paid a visit by the landowner next door. We get along fine. We walked.. talked... I pointed out a few issues I believe caused by the run-off. He aid they'd try to take care of it. Yesterday, I was then paid a visit by a contractor of his... We walked...talked.. I pointed out a few issues I believe caused bu run-off. yadda-yadda-yadda and he's going to come in with a back-hoe of sorts, to dig out a collection bowl/pond, and channel it away from my stone wall. Possibly, this week.