I have a Frigidaire now, after 15 year old Armana died, I was at Well Seasoned GTG, I probably would have fixed it but wife had new one purchased. 3 yo been flawless so far probably because I bought extended warranty
I’m reluctant to comment here and jinx myself but I have a fridgidare that has been flawless for probably 18 years. Only issue it has had is the handle on the freezer side broke and duct tape has fixed that for going on 3 years. It has ice and water in the door. The one it replaced was the one I grew up with that my parents had, probably 30 years old when I retired it. Was still working, but would sweat terribly to the point where it was getting the floor wet. probably had too many arrow holes in the side! (Don’t ask)
Earlier this summer a friend of mine said he was talking to a Maytag salesman (remember that old Maytag repairman commercial?) he told him that all new appliances have only a 5 year life expectancy
Refrigerators aside from sub zero are really only designed to lay about 10 years now. It's been this way for at least the last 10 years. I had an independent appliance repair guy stop out and he confirmed that fridges are only made to last 10 yrs now. The compressor fails, and those are$$. At that point you might as well but a new fridge. Most have Samsung compressors from what I've seen. I had to go fridge shoppimg about a year ago. Our then 11 yr old GE's Samsung compressor went. New fridge 1600, compressor to fix plus installation was $900-1000. I looked and most new fridges had Samsung compressors. We replaced the ge with a Maytag, simply because the compressor has a 10 yr replacement warranty.
I remember being told the compressors are run at a higher speed which makes them more efficient but don't last as long. Thank you EPA
Umm.. No. At the moment I have only 1 that is primarily a beer fridge, but also have a small "dorm" style fridge that was in our computer room in old house.. not currently in use. In winter I do claim 1/2 of the bottom shelf in the kitchen fridge. Haven't determined if the dorm fridge will be enough in the shop yet.. TBD
Get a bigger fridge. The zombie apocalypse may be near. If not, you'll have ample supply on hand...i think!
We bought a Whirlpool with the double doors, the separate pull out drawer, bottom freezer, and the icemaker/dispenser. Bought it 6 years ago with the extended warranty. So far so good. Easy to clean, like all the separate doors and drawers. About 2 grand from Lowes. This unit seems to be holding up really well. Plastic parts not breaking like some of the other units we had.
Holy cow is that an expensive fridge. Course I don't need all the extras, nor do I like double door fridges. I'm a plain jane type of appliance gal. Last time I bought a fridge was in 2010 or so and I had a hard time finding one without an ice maker that wasn't a college dorm fridge. Natrually the old fridge went the weekend before Thanksgiving so I didn't have a whole lot of time to look around since we were hosting company. It had the freezer on top. Not sure of the size, but it wasn't huge (not small either - it was just right for us two and the amount of beer he drank. Think we paid around $700. I do recall I couldn't get a Kenmore as that size was special order, so I think I ended up with Frigid Air.
Holy Cow. I think I've bought one fridge in my lifetime that wasn't included with a house. (I've owned 2 houses for the record... lol) Current one is a GE Profile, bottom freezer, double doors with Ice and Water in the door. New with the house in 2015, inherited it in 2017, still going strong and haven't done a thing with it really. Oh yeah, still have a 'lil Haier dorm fridge out on top of my toolbox in the garage. That one is at least 12-15 years old and still kickin'.
Bought a whirlpool two years ago. It was just a basic freezer on top maybe 20 cu ft. No ice maker or nothing as it was for the cottage/seasonal use. I don't know if it was getting ready to have a kitten or not, but I sold it It started making louder and funny noises about one year after I got it.
Had a LG fridge nothing but problems and repairs, have a whirlpool the only thing I have noticed is the new fridges are NOISEY , compressors make more noise then the old ones
I have a Kenmore in the kitchen, I've seen the exact same fridge on sale a few times under different brand names. I think we got 18' ?. So far so good.
Maybe this fridge has worked for so long because it has cats that won't let the gremlins in Spot is on guard duty Rainey on guard duty