Hadn’t thought of that but that’s a super good idea! Like first fire of the year type stuff! Thanks for the idea
Ready for winter? Woodshed Stocked? Check! Next Years Wood Under Cover? Check! Fresh-cut wood split and ready to season? Check! I still need to cover the top! Flue Cleaned? Check! Stove cleaned out and repaired? Check! (But we already had our first fire for the year on August 31st here in Oregon.) But then it turned out hot and dry again so yesterday a few miles from us we had a different kind of fire. (Thankfully they caught it early.) So, yeah, everybody's ready for winter! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Once it starts raining I can get back to falling, bucking and hauling again. (Joke - this is in the Redwoods, not mine to cut... darn it.)