I’m beat. There is still quite a bit left if I want it. I can have the guy hold for u. I’m not coming back Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Its brutal here, cant imagine there. I remember working on the roof in these conditions years back...if id even work under them at all. Breaks were longer than work time and i could work at 1/2 to 2/3 of what i could under ideal conditions. Guess thats why i hate Summer. Give me the cold anyday, right amateur cutter? How did the score go? Was it grab and load or did you hafta cut too? Pics?
Ok, it took me 2 hours to load this. I don’t feel like a man. The heat smacked me in the face like Godfather and said “be a man!”. I just cried. The heat killed me. I’m enjoying multiple beers and a cigar now. The trailer will get unloaded tomorrow morning before the next days adventures. Major oak score.... whhooooooooooooooooo..cough......ddddd!
Right, bring on the cold...is winter coming? Score went ok. Was afraid to overload the trailer the first time so I went light and it was brutal. It was roll 50’ and lift to trailer. Boy did the rolling suck. And his yard was on a steep incline. Just brutal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
wouldve knocked the hell outta me too. I still cant believe you went and did that. Of course, with the new trailer you had a little incentive. How are you liking the trailer? Never used one myself. A PU full at the honey hole took me three hours and that was the end of June...last time i was there.
I’ll tell u in 3 months how I like the trailer but I feel like I can travel more to get a score cause I can bring back more. Travelled 120 miles today round trip at 15 miles per gallon and paid a 10 dollar toll on the Delaware Memorial Bridge. All in, that’s about $30 for 3/4 cord. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That's a nice looking trailer and haul. Trailers are awesome once you figure out how to load it right.
Yeah, 90 miles round trip. Venturing out farther now for a hoard. Had to pay a $10 toll too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
are you picky about wood quality/type so you travel or is that the only wood around? I dont look that often around here on CL or FBM. Good luck with the new trailer today.
Oh yeah! Whooooooood! Got this red oak today. This has to be a cord. Heaviest I’ve ever gotten. I’m done for a while. Man it’s hot. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice haul. That’ll keep you warm for a while in a few years. How many years supply are you up to? With the sporadic red oak showing up at my dump, I wonder if it is the tip blight going around? That looks like it has been down for a year or so already, right? Did you have to do any cutting? Or just* roll it up? Rolling or not, those are monster rounds. WHOOOOOOOD!
Correct, tree was done for a year. About 4 were precut. The rest I had to cut. There’s still a 20 foot section to be cut and rolled out . It’s about 2.5-3” diameter that’s left. I think I have enough for a year now. About 8-9 cords. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk