I had an SHO when I was a kid. I could dust all my buddies Civics and Eclipses in that thing - with 4 other teenagers in the car and a trunk full of groceries.
Oh my...you just dredged up some Senior Week memories. We had a designated 'beer car' in our convoy. Except it wouldn't all *fit in one car. LMAO Friend's older brother's military ID was used to purchase more on location as stocks were depleted somehow. It was all carted up to the hotel room on luggage carts shrowded with beach towels. Trials and tribulations of the underaged drinker.
Yep big male persimmon tree unfortunately it looks like it was struck by lightning years back. I cut back a ton of grapevine and poison ivy that were strangling it but it might be on borrowed time. Wood peckers are going at it now.
Is that in Astoria, OR? I went fishing there years ago and if you were a first timer “crossing the bar” you were supposed to eat one of the baitfish on board for your initiation. None of us fell for it though.. all of us would have likely puked our guts out as we were up pretty late the night before in some little bar there playing pool and drinking beer
Off the Yaquina in Newport. Coast Guard is closer just in case, after some maintenance and off season electrical work. Owl
The rocks are back. Tough on a boat trying to slide up. Never underestimate your opponent. Have a great Friday Hoarders. Owl
I remembered the boat captain telling us that it was the only place in the U.S. that if the warning flag was flying (telling boaters not to attempt the bar crossing) that the Coast Guard was not obligated to come to your rescue. That’s dangerous!
That's..... a..... different. I'll take a hard pass if it tastes anything like a chainsaw smells. Doesn't even sound appealing, imo.
Black rifle coffee has gotten quite popular, at least around here. I think they started out helping wounded veterans or something like that. Not sure if they still do. Seems like everything that starts with good intentions and gets bigger, eventually loses sight of the original goal. I hope that is not the case with them. They sure have a lot of different blends anymore. And it’s kinda pricey even by my standards for good coffee.