Nepotism. He got in years ago because he knew the right people, and stays in because his superiors are his buddies from high school. It’s one big club... Besides, as long as those of us on the floor are getting the work out the door, he can sit back beaming with pride saying “look what I accomplished!” To be fair he means well, he’s just never had to work in a small company where you actually HAD to be productive and accountable. Working for a large corporation a person can more or less hide under the radar for decades, never having to really break a sweat.
not to mention the "Peter Principle of Effective Management" .............................. "The bigger screw up they are, the higher they go
I've seen that too many times (did big corporate for a lot of years). Easiest way to get rid of them is recommend them for a different position somewhere else and too many times it's a bigger title, recommendation letter to match to get rid of them.
Wait..... what ????? Caught up ???? Looking for things to do ???? Wtf does that mean ? Come here for a while buddy I'll wipe those words out of your vocabulary !
Good Grief.......You sound just like my Wife! Only I'm not so afeared of you as I am of her! I try to stay under the radar when I am getting caught up.
you mean some personal attacks and name calling got deleted skeeter doesn’t like me and I’m ok with that I’ve got no desire to pizz in his Wheaties
There is a 4 lane in my town that has a mostly 45mph speed limit. Everyone is running 55-60+ mph on the 45mph strip. On the section that has a 50mph speed limit, most people slow down with some under the limit. It’s the damdest thing. The 45mph section is on the right side of the tracks and I often see cycle cops hiding on the side streets, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Never seen a cop in the 50mph section. I’m getting old for sure, but it seems I’m down a cylinder everywhere I go nowadays. At 5am every morning on my way to work people are racing to beat me to a turn I’m not even taking. There’s like 2 maybe 3 cars on the road at 5am. It’s weird as chit and I’m thinking yeah buddy you started your day with a w on turn 1, but I’m going straight.
On a two lane highway........."passing lane ahead" sign signals even the slow drivers that everyone is in line just waiting tp pass to speed up. Once the passing lane is done with, the slow driver resumes blocking traffic! Richard Cranium!
Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways. And why do They call them hot water heaters. Should be called cold water heaters. If the water was already hot you wouldn’t need a hot water heater. And why does congress woman AOC refer to females as menstrating people. Does that Mean post menopausal women are not female I’m so confused Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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