I'm not for sure but I thank it's some sort of oak, I thank there are like 60 species of oak alone, so my tree book of north America says
It works out ok. The trailer is stock and the load rating is 1720 lbs including the weight of the trailer itself. So if I pack it tight, I can only load about one foot high. 8x4x1 x 60 lbs/cf= about 1800 lbs. much less than I thought I could haul when I bought it. I only use it a few few times per year so I just make extra trips.
Hej hej all, Got such a nice neighboor, he told me i can have the wagon in the forrest if i can get it out. So i took my quad and chainsaw to go and get it. It took me about 1 hour to get it out (been standing there for over 8 years) trees all around it. And what a beauty it is, needs some work. New tires, new nose wheel, new deck and have to check the bearrings and it needs some greece too! Paint job i will do next year when it gets warmer. So this is the new woodhauler mobile for now. Have a nice day all!
Here's big elm. From last winter's tree service freebies some of this big stuff was pre split in half. It was too big for the landscaping company to put in their processor, from what I can tell. This place has mountains of firewood they sell. Why else would they haul 2 cords of wood from their place to mine for free? No complaints, as it's all in stacks and drying.