Yeah, thats for sure. A couple years ago, everyone would give thewoodlands a ration for all the cherry he burned....(in good fun, of course) just wait until he starts in on this pine!!!
1265 is a before picture and 1302 is after, I think that today four came down and then went to the pine log length pile which is full so I'll be hauling the utility trailer out of the woods so I can start another pile of logs. I think we have another 12 -15 trees that we want down with one being a double truck ash. It snowed all day but it looks like the weather temps will be on the rise starting tomorrow. The last two pine we felled today will be limbed up and then the logs will be moved to a new pile. Pick 1296 is one of three pines that we want on the ground, it looks like it could split off where it goes into a double trunk so I might put some ratchet straps on that area before felling.
You guys with the fun toys. I think I would have loved to run one of those. Never gave it a chance when things were better for me. Anybody else sitting on the fence about getting one, you better act on it before the opportunity passes you by.
I did some cleanup and then removed some logs with the 4540, after that we felled another pine. Tomorrow after more cleanup is done we want to fell the double trunk pine and the smaller pine in picture 1310. After felling those two we'll need to cleanup the opposite side so we can fell some from that side and then do the same on the backside of where the garage will be.
Instead of taking down the two trees left on the east side of the garage I decided that the trees on the left side would come down first so the area gets more sun so it will help get rid of the frost in the ground. I've spent about 12 hours cleaning up the mess in the last two days (limbed up pine branches) with another 3 or 4 tomorrow and then we can start getting more trees down, pines with a double trunk ash. I did some stump removal with a saw so it opened up a lane deeper in the woods so we can push the limbed up pine branches into the woods not far from the trees that are coming down. We have a bunch of rain coming in so I bought myself a rain suit so if it's a heavy rain I'll still can get out and do some work. I thought that the backhoe would go on this week but with the frost in the ground there isn't any reason I would be digging.
Thanks Hammy , hopefully this rain with above freezing temps at night will bring the frost out of the ground. We plan on bring down a double trunk ash tomorrow along with two or three smaller pine.
We took three pine down today with the brush heading to it's pile and the pine headed to a pile of pine logs. The last was the biggest so we saved a 15 footer and a nine or ten foot log for milling later on. Tomorrow we hope to take down a double trunk ash and some smaller pine along with cleaning up the area, after that we have about 9 or 10 more trees that will come down before the removal of the stumps.
We took down the double trunk ash on Friday and then moved the logs over to the same area the cherry is in.
I hope the weather doesn’t delay your build schedule. Looks like you will have everything else ready to roll.
We're getting some ice at the moment but we never did get the snow so that is good. I can't start the last of the trees to come down until Wednesday for different reasons so hopefully the weather starts acting like spring so the build stays on schedule.
Part of this pine came down in the last wind event we had, the winds have been out of the east so it blew it into the top of another tree with it hanging on around the damaged part. I didn't have the camera when I was back dragging some of the slush off the driveway but I'll get a picture today. The splitter wasn't far from that tree so when the wind stopped I dragged it out of there.
Wood's for some reason this is my first visit to our thread If your clearing is not done yet, you'll find that a "handle" of any sort on your stumps will help a bunch when it's time to get them out. The longer the better. But then (I do try to pay attention) I think you said that your in a lot of sand where popping those
I have today and tomorrow off from any wood cutting or splitting (no choice) but on Wednesday we'll start up again with a finish date of felling the rest of the trees by the end of the day next Tuesday. This week I'll check tire pressure, especially the back tires before putting on the backhoe. They recommend about two or three more pounds psi on the back tires before putting on the hoe. We hit 45 already so with the rain and the warmer temps, I'm hoping the frost will finally be out of the ground.
Yes, we're all sand on the house lot where the garage will go. fuelrod , by handle do you mean leaving more of a stump? I cut some of the stumps almost flush so I could get the tractor in that area.