I'd do exactly as lukem says as far as these trees, and in that order. I wouldn't even bother with Ash or walnut. You have access to quick drying stuff out by you already.
This wood will come from Hamilton County, so well west of the quarantine areas. NSP would probably just figure I was an idiot for hauling wood back and let me go. I am aware of the 'ol- Driving while Coloradn' thing. I'm getting pretty good spotting them parked in the off-side of the overpass supports. Sneaky devils.
This will be Hamilton Cty., so west of those areas. And... to cover my butt, I left a voice mail with the Forester in that zone to double check. I should be fine.
Dang! All that hickory just waiting for ol'yooper! They even had some people stop buy and offer to "take it off their hands". Must've been the green bay contingency of FHC or some wanna-bees!
If any of it needs more splitting and you get pulled over, just tell NSP that the drugs are inside the wood and hand them a maul. I'm not saying it will work or anything like that.
Do you have agricultural check points on the highway between those two states? If you do they might not let you bring that firewood back into your state, especially with the rampage of the ash borer and all. Might check on that first.
Osage and Locust are gone. I didn't think he had a lot to begin with. So now it's Ash, Mulberry, and Walnut. What the heck.