Many years ago my dad wanted to try growing pecans after being down on the Gulf. I found a nursery with a hardy pecan variety, supposed to be good to zone 4 so I ordered him a couple. Not positive but iirc it was Bear Creek Nursery out of Princeton, MN (no longer in business as far as I know), could possibly have been St. Lawrence Nursery out of Potsdam, NY (not as likely). At least one is still alive in central WI. Maybe my brother can get a pic of it tomorrow. This is a great place to be!
Little brother forgot to take a picture so it'll be sometime next week. That's if I remind him. He says there's only one left, looks good.
Saved this sugar maple from being devoured by fungi and microorganisms. Tossed a few too punky to sell splits on the fire pit and they flamed up real nice. fixin to split this pile of pignut, pecan and sugar.
Weather was perfect minus the wind and passing showers. I got all the non Pecan logs split from this score, so I’m happy with the progress. Also got a chit ton of scrap wood burned in the fire pit. Now it’s time to start a fire in the house to keep out this dagum cold spell.
Great score Chud . We have large pecan orchards here. Many old trees on the old farms grown in straight rows. Still producing heavy harvests.
Some nice rounds. Yeah SM has a shorter shelf life. Is your normal MO to accumulate some rounds then split and stack or is it just kinda at random?
cut 1/2-1 cord of rounds, split 1/3 cord, stack, split 1/3, stack, repeat until log pile gets low, haul in more logs, start over again. Usually when the log pile gets down to a cord or 2 I start to get needlessly stressed. Sometimes I try to cut less, so it’s not as long between cut sessions, but cutting is the best part and I’ll get carried away. This has also been the most Goldilocks wood I’ve gotten from one score, so the 261 has been getting the most work. The 14-16” Sugar and Red Maple has spoiled me.
Youre not alone my friend. My biggest wood stress is lack of room and open racks for stacking. I'm redoing part of my stacking area with a new set up. This will accommodate around five cords.
Brother finally took a couple pictures of the lone pecan tree at the farm. It's probably close to 20 years old and since it's buddy didn't survive it'll probably never produce. It's the only pecan I've seen except the trips I took to the Gulf to visit my folks when they spent time down there. It's not in as good shape as my brother said, imho.