I sure do love getting some pallet wood and not far where I used to live, there’s a processing place that I assume takes apart pallets and sells back the good parts. They sift through the blocks(legs) and broken top slats I guess? Bundle up the good stuff and give or trash the rest. Outside of the place there’s often broken slats in holding racks for people to pick through, a lot. Really doesn’t look like much as a heap but in a trailer, would just be a lot of good camp fuel. I tend to look for the thicker rungs that are usually the brace parts that come in 3’s on a pallet and the leg blocks can be oak or some heavy kind of wood. I picked up some the other day and found what looked to be either hickory or oak that was sawn so smoothly it looked like it was furniture grade.The blocks aren’t tiny either. In the rare pick up, I used to scout out a roofing company that would leave out MASSIVE amounts of pallets, some of which were full on skids, like oak 4x4 that ran over 10 feet long sometimes with the tops being rough lumber slats about 8 inches wide to about an inch or so thick. Not all oak but when I know they are, they make it to the keep pile for later. In a haste, I had to cut up some of these I had planned to leave whole for stacking wood on. They would still work but need to brace where I cut them. Mainly it was just so large and cumbersome just placing it in a trailer was a chore, a tractor with a FEL would have been a great tool to place it somewhere.
Been helping my contractor friend do work at his daughter house out of state. Her husband was laid off and started "paneling" the inside of their 110' long barn with pallet wood. They have a pellet stove for the cold weather and i commented he could always get a wood burner and dismantle it for fuel! first two pics from his man cave section in the front.
That looks pretty nice. Plus, it keeps him busy. My mother once had a garage that the previous owner built from 2x4 cutoffs, laid flat.
If you ever happen to run into this again diesel fuel will work just as well and you only have to buy a few gallons at a time. I was in a tight spot one year money wise so I’d just fill a 5 gallon can and dump it in the tank. I’m sure it cost me more in the long run but I didn’t have the cash for a delivery and didn’t want to charge it.
i had done that a couple times. I rent now so dont have to worry about it anymore. I was too cheap at the time to buy oil!
Gotcha. I figured you knew but thought I’d put it out there for others. I’m surprised at the amount of people that heat with oil and don’t know that you can use diesel in a pinch. Last winter my long nosed service manager ran out of oil when it was quite cold out. There was a very high demand for oil at the time and the company he used could not deliver for a week. He was calling around frantically trying to get oil as it was his only heat source. I mentioned he should get some diesel to get by till his delivery. He looked at me and said “you can do that, how long will it last?”. We’re talking about a 50+ year old man that has heated with oil for quite a wile. He was also a self proclaimed know it all.
Ugh, always have a backup heat source for winter in New England! Even if it's only subbing diesel for HO.
Agreed, relying on others to keep your home from freezing is a foolish move if you ask me. That usually what I tell people when they tell me fire wood is too much work all I do is turn up the thermostat.
I work in an industrial park and there has been allot of hardwood pallets available lately, mostly red oak and maple. I cut up a few yesterday with a beater chain on my MS 250. This will supplement my shoulder wood in October. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Decided to pick up my stash of pallet boards before they went missing. Adding ba few more to the pile.
Picked up a few pallets at my usual supplier yesterday. Four 40"x 48" (underneath) which were rather beat up and repaired but thats all they had (my normal size) and two hardwood 3'x8'. The manufacturer of these mustve gone cheap as the slats are only 1/2" thick now. Used to be a full inch. May make a double row two face cord rack out of these rather than take them apart. I usually cut them up and use for the fire pit. 4' long hardwood strapping from same source.
Nice, i love pallet wood. I have a pallet supply company pretty close by, i might have to pay them a visit. I kinda stopped going since i scored those grapple loads of dead standing red pine.