I usually bring a stack of oak and poplar skids home each year for and split it up for kindling. I think it would work as a stand alone way to heat the house in a pinch.
And a lot of them get recycled...either reman'd, or repurposed...a ton of them get chipped and used for mulch(?)...and I believe fuel for chip fired boilers...
I saw a place this summer that recycled them for mulch….quite the pile of pallets Around me, the Amish have made a place for themselves in the pallet market. Some pretty impressive outfits putting out a lot of pallets!
Around here a lot of the folks actually making the pallets are not making much. But I'm sure the folks running the company are making a killing.
That's a nice load of logs, Adam. You'll have fun processing those. I've seen a few trailers like that down here, especially at the mill where we took the gum logs. Truck would bring in logs, then load with big bundles of lumber or cants and deliver somewhere else. We have a big mill close by, they make lumber, pallets and the big mats used to drive/work on soft ground. We also have a ton of discarded pallets we can get or the recycle truck picks them up.