I wish I could remember who put a pic up of boots vs chainsaw. They had a pic of a pair of steel safety toes and composite safety toes after a chainsaw hit them. The composite may save you if it was just a drop but sure didn't slow the chain any.
You can tell I'm a logger because my boots are worth more than my truck. (Of course, you don't have to pay registration fees for boots, or feed em gas)
That's about what my shins look like from May-October. Bet most of the guys around here can say the same... Or I'm just more clumsy than I thought.
Couple pics of my close call that a little more steel between the chain and me would have been very comforting.
Too close! Tired, using a friend's saw, getting dull after a long day of cutting, and forcing things just to get done. Thought to myself about 3 minutes earlier that this is exactly when shtuff happens. I consider myself very lucky that day. Only thing between my ankle and the chain was my sock. Saw got shut off immediately and lessons learned!
How exactly do you cut wood with those boots? Do you scrape them back and forth over a log, or is there some super secret way to go about it?
Nice boots there Allan, one of the features that appeals to me, is the ability to work safely in icy conditions. Most of us know how dangerous it can be to loose your footing. I currently use those rubber stretchy things that go over your boots for traction. All my boots are steel toes.