Yes crispy! and there is a wire mesh lid to put on if you want to radiate some extra heat downward at the end of the cooking cycle for extra browning. The white meat was tender and moist, the dark meat was good as well - big thing, it's not greasy and I didn't have any pink/red at the leg joints that is typical when frying one. Oh and did I mention it has a catch pan for..wait for it.... GRAVY! I plan on weighing the propane tank between cooking times next go round as it appears to sip the stuff. Lowes still has it on sale for $100 through today -as Matt says well worth it
I think I'm going to get one today. I have 25 coming for Thanksgiving and only have room to cook one bird inside, I could use my oversized Weber Kettle. I used to fry in oil but what a mess
You won't be disappointed. I am kind of peeved with charbroil though, the 2 of the accessory kits that I added to my cart showed "in stock" and I got an email that says they are backordered. I plan on calling to see if they are going to at least ship the leg racks
Be careful if you serve up one TBE fried turkey and one oven baked theres liable to be a fist fight at the serving table over the fried one
Yes it sips the propane I havent gotten around to weighing the tank to see how much it uses but I know it doesnt use much. Thats one of the great things about it Ive had it running for four hours and when I shut the gas off picked up the tank it still felt as heavy as when I started.
Keep in mind that thing is not limited to turkey all other types of meat have turned out great in there.
Theres a wing rack for these Ive got one but have yet to use it one of these days Ill get around to it.
Defiant, I just ordered mine on line. Should be here in a couple of days. What was your cooking time for a 13 pounder? Did you cook on low? I know I'll cook to temp more so than time, but still wondering about how long you cooked it?
Just checked, they have it for $94. And free shipping. Over 300 reviews with at 4.5 star review rating. Seems this has been around a few years. From what I can conclude, tastes is equal to oil fried, cooking time is a little longer, but when you consider the heating up time, the cooling time and the cleanup time, the combined time is much less. Safety is better. No risk of splattering hot oil and the resulting burns. Versatile, can be used with other meats and accessories. Cost, no costly one use frying oil. (A real biggie in my book) and not to be excluded, health. Added fat is not good for you in many ways. I don't own one, but it certainly worth considering.
You can not set temp, instructions state 10 minutes a lb. for turkey. I cooked it for 2 hrs check bird with meat thermometer which was above 165 and pulled it. It was delicious, breast meat was juicy while the drums and wings were nice and crispy Wife is out for dinner tonight, I may check out the recipe book and play around with it this eve
Ya BlueJacket, the oil ones are a pain. I ordered mine online at ACE Hardware yesterday. $79 with free shipping to the store.