Sport bike, maybe in my younger years. On a heavier cruiser and me not being as agile....I dont think so. Definitely no with anyone on the back. My brother did it when he was late teens, 20ish and was driving an Oldsmobile 98-tank of a car with 4 drum brakes which equal no stopping when hot. he and his buddy ignored the stop points to cool the brakes and when they hit the bottom there was no stopping as they flew past the entrance, on to the road and just kept going. Back then as kids it was a hoot of a good time
You did it on purpose? The only way i'm doing that is if there was a lifetime supply of Free Beer up there, even then I may think about it!
Hey, while up here you should get to see some of the natural beauty! Great that you got to visit the rockpile and actually see something. Great view when the summit isn't socked in by low flying clouds.
That's good! I'm hoping for less because I'm not as high in elevation, but not far off. According to USGS map, your house is about 1200ft and my land is sitting at 900ft. Heck, we get 70+MPH on a good Nor-easter about 4 times a year. We can usually expect one of two in October into November then "March", Oh boy March.... usually opens the whole can of whoop @$$ on us here! Then, let us not forget the Hurricanes. I can honestly say, we've been "very Lucky" and haven't taken a direct hit since the 20's When Sandy hit, we had some 90+mph wind averaged about 70+. Got "LOTS" of Maples after that storm, I believe I cut about 14 or so cord! kept about 6 cord of nice oaks! Don't much of the good hard stuff, I did then.
I remember sandy well and we had the same winds believe it or not! No power for a week, it got cold, and the wood stove had us covered!
it was trails ,after a few days in the mountains the top of washington was a welcome sight ,real bathrooms
no not the whole thing anyway , i have been on many sections in nh and some more than once ,i also did trail maintenance and search /rescue volunteer stuff back in the late 80s , by far my favorite place
You better get going, we went from a sunny day to a cloudy day and it's getting darker. I think we're in for a quarter of an inch of rain.