I dunno about you guys but that black knot looks like what comes out of the back end of a coon and managed to stick to the tree. I’m not often checking for this in my state so not sure if black knot has spread here.
Well I walked right into that one. Thanks bud. I just don’t often see the cherry trees with it so must look a bit harder.
Cherry also makes a great cooking/ smoking wood. A guy down here swears by cherry to grill chicken and he does a lot of smoking and grilling. He got a full cord (16' trailer) of hickory to smoke his deer summer sausage with.
I’m cutting what I believe to be maple, and see these odd red markings in the rounds. Is it maple, and what is the red marks?
MIM I see a handful of things that I also see on Black Cherry. The more I look the more I question it though. The one thing I see, and I see two, but the one thing I see that is different from the Black Cherrys on our property is that it has substantial branches on the lower portion of the tree. I don't see that on ours with tree of that DBH. I also see Yellow Birch items. Nice job focusing on the details, "Darm" being overlooked. A Birch Cherry?
The red is caused by a fungus in boxelder, which looks a lot like maple and is in the same family. Probably what you have there. -edit- I'm on the birch train for Mike's op, the horizontal lines (or lenticles, thanks for the new vocabulary word!) are characteristic of birch rather than cherry, at least in my neck of the woods. The yellow and black birch gets shaggy like that as it gets older.
I’d dislike this post if I could. The part of liking is plum is amazing to burn. Very hot. Almost too much.