It was -3 here when I woke up. I was pleasantly surprised to see the storage tanks were still at 175F. It took a bit longer for the house to get up to temperature from it's overnight setback though.
It had to happen sooner or later. For those who don't know, this is in Michigan. I guess the bar does a good business there.
Here in Northern Kentucky, along the Ohio River, it was -5 at 0700hrs. and 65 in the house with a large bed of red oak coals. Now at 1515hrs. it's +12 out and 72 in with 4 splits of red oak in the Buck 80 and no propane used.
Been there and back 4 or 5 times good food in the bar too, it's a nice motorcycle ride out there and back Never been there when hell was frozen over
Backwood savage, I always said if Hell froze over I would ice fish it, now I gotta do a google maps seach! LOL
Further north, in the UP, there is a place called Paradise. It does not happen often but has a few times and when it happens, the news likes to report that, "Today it was colder than H--- in Paradise." Actually, Paradise can get pretty chilly as it is right there beside the big pond.
HD, I've seen lots of those Damsites in other states too. Seems a popular one but it still can't match H---.