Wow... That's just a empty tin.....reminds me of my 036 that I just! Are you going to Muffler Mod after a couple of tanks through it?
I haven't decided. I'll probably run it for a good while until it stops feeling stronger. I'm sure someday I'll give it some treatment, but I might as well wait until it feels slow first. DD, How much bigger is the exhaust port on your 441?
I don't have a stock pic, maybe MasterMech can post one. It was pretty small, but Mastermind changed all of that. Made another hole next to existing hole and opened up existing hole to a much larger size. She breathes well now
The stock hole on mine is probably somewhere in the vicinity of 1/2" +/- a few 1/16" according to my highly calibrated eyeball. I ended up being off today (working Sunday instead ) and just ran a tank thru it. It started on the second pull stone cold (about 20* overnight temp). The throttle response was pretty sluggish and it bogged down quite a bit in some of the 16" shagbark I was cutting. Couldn't really lean on it without really pulling down the RPM. Exhaust still lacked that "scream". For the first 1/2 tank I was pretty unimpressed but I kept an open mind. I moved on to some hollow (like stovepipe hollow) beech logs about 24". It was blasting through those...but they might as well have been 6" branches because they were so hollow. I got about 4 of those bucked up in no time. By the end of that it seemed to be revving higher, was definitely snappier, and starting to sound noticeably different. For about the last 1/3 tank I moved on to some sugar maple about 16" or so. I was able to lean on them pretty hard without bogging it down and it was making its way through them pretty quick. The last log I did was another shagbark about the same size as the first, maybe closer to 18". I owned that log. Maybe not 70cc owned it, but I gave it the business. High RPM starting to develop and starting to get that "scream". The difference in power, sound, and revs was pretty dramatic just over the course of 1 tank. It is much closer top-end wise to my 361 than what I expected, but still has pretty good low end power. If this thing keeps getting even a little stronger for the next 4-5 tanks it is going to be a really nice saw. Right now I'd say it would be neck and neck with a 361. So far, I like it.
I got another half tank thru it this evening. Then I hit some metal and trashed my chain. Grinder time.
Luke, it sounds like you have a couple things going on. The saw is breaking in and the M-Tronic system is finding it's groove. I was pretty unimpressed initially with my MS261, and that's changed now for sure. Keep pumping fuel through it.
Probably going to spend the next several weeks on the bench whilst I finish up the kitchen. My wife might actually kill me if I cut any more wood without getting that done.
My auto-tune took several outings before it really started to show it's stuff. I actually became worried at one point that something was wrong as it developed some hesitation off idle and seemed to be getting worse rather than better. Finally settled in and now it screams. I am guessing the m-tronic will be the same and keep getting better with each use for awhile.
I was under very strict orders to not make any noise in the house while the baby was sleeping today so I went outside and made some noise. I got 2 more tanks through the saw and noticed a couple things. First....I'm getting a lot better fuel efficiency. A tank lasts a long time. I was diassapointed on the first couple tanks but it is noticeably better than the old saw. Second...this thing runs smooth. I read a lot of stuff saying the 362 was a step backwards in terms of ergonomics over the 361 and I just don't see it. I was cutting some damm near petrified black locust today and it was smooth as can be. Still getting meaner every tank. Pretty satisfied.