Vanguard is not your typical Briggs. I have seen them go 4-5000 hours on original long blocks. As good and often better than top-shelf Kawi or Kohler.
I was going to suggest Deere X700 series possibly a 1 series CUT. The Simplicity models were and are great, but you mentioned you were worried about future parts availability and dealer support. Nobody come within miles of Deere for that when talking about tractors. ZTRs, lots of good choices, including your Ferris. Those "little" iS units are well built.
I read a lot online about engine brands. Its kinda funny. B&S was bashed a lot..."they're junk because the 5 hp push mower engines don't last" ... I'm not quite buying the hype on kawasaki and kohler and Honda. B&S can't put a junk (v-twin) engine on a big commercial unit...if they want to compete in the commercial mower market.
I don’t care where it is built it’s produced to compete cost wise and quality wise with MTD. They have a projected home owner use life of 10 years.
That looks exactly like mine. 6 years with no changes? I was thinking about painting my ROPS black. Mine is red. (Or just taking it off)
I read vanguard was now make (assembled) by b&s in America. How does vanguard compare to b&s "commercial" series?
Normal maintenance.. oil changes etc.. make sure you know where grease fittings are. I was missing one on 52” deck.. dealer told me.. It has been flawless I will post pics again once it’s washed my tools are filthy
I was gonna say...when I worked at the mill one of my fellow mechanics had a buddy that worked at the MTD plant in NW OH and I could have sworn he said he got him a new scratch n dent JD lawntractor from the MTD plant...was $300 too, IIRC! (This was 20 years ago)
There’s a fb group on them. A lot of people say the dealer prep is only so so. Go through the checklist yourself to make sure. My deck wasn’t level, one steering handle wasn’t adjusted correctly. I flipped the deck lift pedal to allow better leverage to pick up the deck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks. Good to know. Mine seems to be ok. But my knee does hit the handle when i let the deck down. I guess i could move the handles back. My arms aren't as long as they used to be...
I do have trouble finding the brake release. And it's a little hard to reach to apply. Pretty lousy where they put it.
I have a Bad Boy. I think it is a 2008 model. Absolute tank of a mower. Not sure if the new ones are still built the same but I wouldn't be scared to buy an older used one.
There’s a kaw plant an hour from me in Lincoln NE. My wife was reading that they were very short of labor force and had a new plan that seems to be helping. They’re hiring for a 5 hour, 9-2 shift so to work around school days schedule. Sounds like they’re paying well and still offering some benefits for that even, and push hard for those 5 hours. Not a bad plan if you ask me.
That is somebody’s (incorrect) option and not fact. Unfortunately, it easy propose BS as fact on the internet, and this is one of the biggest lies spread on the ‘net about Deere. There’s plenty of legitimate bones to pick with mother Deere, this ain’t one. I invite anybody to walk the lineup at HD/Lowes and check the labels on the frame or fender deck. They will clearly and plainly state where the machine originated and by whom it was built. Nearly everything intended for the box-store retail market is built by Deere in Greeneville TN. The rest of their riding lawn equipment is built at Horicon Works in WI. My memory is still pretty ok, and to my knowledge, Deere has never offered a lawn or garden tractor that was built by anybody else. Much less MTD.