Here's Possum #3. This guy actually managed to go into and out of the bucket without triggering the trap. I did trim off that portion because the file would have been too large for DSL to handle unless I wanted to wait all night for it to upload. In the segment shown, he halfway goes back in to retrieve the paper plate I had the chunky applesauce on, and manages to pull it completely out. From there he's licking what he can off the plate and starts eating that, then decides there has to be more inside the bucket! I will apologize for the even poorer than usual video, but for some reason I couldn't get the file to transfer like it should, so I took a video of the video. To add to the poor quality, it was misting outside!
Maybe so, but other animals might like a sweet treat, especially with chocolate. That's why I am careful as to the type of bait I use.