Didn't see fruit cate for sale anyplace this year. I am one of those who actually like it. Good with a cup of coffee. The best ones are the home made cakes that get basted with spirits.
I think one of the reasons I’m open minded about trying them is, my parents used to have a friend that made really really good ones that had alcohol in them. It was long ago and I don’t remember what spirit, but darn we’re they good. This isn’t close but still good. I’ve had terrible ones before.
My boss man and his daughter make a good fruit cake. When we go places, sometimes I'll find a different spirit and he'll try it. He soaks the fruit in it, then makes the cakes... Rum is good, even used some local distillery "shine"...that was good too.
Since the side track of this thread seems to be about fruitcakes, here is a link to the only fruitcakes I've ever enjoyed in my life. Fruitcakes | Jampot (poorrockabbey.com)
Some is not bad...but some of it, I honestly think that you could sweep the bakery floor, bake the sweepins, and it would taste better!
It doesn't get much better than this. Keeping two of the grandkids this weekend. This one is paw paws girl.