Got two tarps and a crap sheet of plywood on the stack tonight - covered about 2/3 which should help. I'll be out of town but heavy rain is in the forecast.
Sounds like you're coming right along, Rider. The others are right about stacking on pallets and covering. I'm just loving that stove! Very pretty! As for the saw deal, I'd take the bar. SOME guys I know are very hard on bars.
Thanks guys. Only so much you can do after work with a head lamp before supper time. Was planning on picking up the saw this week and going to town on the stack Saturday but I'm flying down to VA tonight for my sisters heart surgery and baby sit my nephew. All in due time. Family comes first.
Thanks. Surgery went well and they should be having her "come to" today. Been having a blast with my nephew although he's wearing me out!
My sister was able to come off the ventilator last night and is slowly regaining her wits. Nephew hung out a good while in his little red wagon while I raked leaves and gathered sticks. That's still counts as wood handling, right? All brute strength bare handed bucking those sticks haha
Flying home today and hoping to work on the stack. I'm thinking with the cement slab, building the walls and roof will be a summer project and I should just restack on the pallets in the slab. There is some old wood that's been wet / kinda pukey bottom of the stack kind of stuff - will that ever dry out or should I toss that to the side for campfire wood? Like would that "contaminate" the good stuff it's next to by holding moisture?
Try it by placing in a dry spot (inside staging area) to see just how bad it is. It may dry up nicely for you. If it is indeed beyond use, fire pit it!
Well I got curious about the stove bit having a blower and how effective the convection vents really were since it didn't seem like the heat was coming through. Shines a flash light in and saw this haha. Now to figure out if it still has power or it's one the switches that doesn't seem to do anything. And yeah, that looks like speaker wire haha.
There are speaker jacks on the opposite wall. Previous owner was into surround sound and classic stereos