CtRider Congrats on the latest addition to your family. She is beautiful. Nice to see older names coming back into use. My maternal grandmothers name was Sadie.
Gosh I love the 3 year plan. More of maple mountain. Just handling the splits you know they are dry. Can’t wait to build the woodshed this year and be done with tarps.
Finished off this oak stump round cleaning up the pine debris from a storm. That round yielded two wagon loads. Stubborn son of a gun
Those stumps are a PITA to split, but yield a lot of splits. Had a white oak one like that i split last March.
It was weird. Been there for almost a year and about 20-22”. My stove needs under 18”. Could barely get a split off with the isocore. Trimmed the round to size and it wasnt so terrible after the flares were trimmed down.
Some ash and cherry rounds from the yard with my helper. Decided a little exercise was in order hauling them up the hill vs getting the riding mower and wagon out.
Yahoo!! Made my first $$$ today selling firewood. Just hoping to sell a few cords on the side each year to fund the addiction. Nice fella I Hope is a repeat customer. Had some trees taken down this year so he’s got a pile in the works. TBD if it’ll be seasoned by next season.
Looks like noodle territory to me! I’ve gotten stubborn to many times on rounds like that and warn myself out bouncing the ISO Core off it 20+ times and end up noodling anyway. after 2-3 bounces I kick those to the side and noodle later when I need a break from splitting.
Nice looking saw i must say, even though im loyal to the "other brand" . May it give you many years of good service.
While I was at the shop, I asked them to throw my 550 on the bench and do an autotune update and check the stats. Swapped air filters from nylon to the felt/paper- jury is out on the changes. Seems like it stalls easier at idle.
Dropped a couple leaners to make a pocket for the big ash. That bore cut works awesome on leaners. This weeks count is -1 small cherry -1 medium ash -1 medium cherry -1 medium ash -1 large ash Dad stopped over to help with the rigging and we got her down safe. Tree guy coming Wednesday for some more complicated falls. 3 generations of guys that like chainsaws and trees my wife’s view with the kids. Can see the chips flying Ash borer larvae right in the hinge.
So actually two medium ash correct? Hope you killed that little bugger. This weeks count is -1 small cherry -1 medium ash -1 medium cherry -1 medium ash -1 large ash