I'm pulling for a black locust / shagbark hickory matchup. It looks like I'll be getting a good amount of BL from a scrounge so I can burn those 2 back to back.
Rally time Baby!!!!! Get some of that old timers in.... I heard there pretty hot and awful sparky for there age....
Come on shaggies! Down by 2. Rally shaggy, I'll find you some Scooby snacks if you can pull this off!
The Flammable Four is set: 1 White Oak vs 2 Honey Locust and 12 Hedge vs 1 Black Locust The Cinderella story continues!
I knew hedge could go the distance. I've only burned some hedge posts (small but still love it). I have a couple trees in my sights, but don't need to wood now and so they are still growing (very slowly).
Booooo!!!!! Shagbark out and white oak, and both the locusts are in? Shags better than all 3 of those. So, who didn't vote for the shag? A face cord of hedge might make me feel better.