Today, and several days over the past week, the ground has been too soft here as well. But the areas I've been working are not finished off areas. So I did it anyway. Nice to have the Ag tires to be able to do it whenever. I can York rack it off when that area is done. Then let the grass and weeks grow in naturally.
I can't beleive that. That is a major BMP vilolation, and possibly a violation of the clean water act of 1972 since (at least in this state ) that is not an acceptable forestry practice or proper way to cross a stream, and would then forfeit their 404 exemption to said previous act. This is why people need a forester, this guy would have never left that job and if he did and didn't return his performance bond would have gone right into your bank account ( and I probalbly would have had $5 or 10k on the guy for bond. Some jobs I have upwards or 50k)!! On top of that they would face state and federal fines, possible jail time, and no mill around that has any size to it would allow them to haul into their woody ad with such a violation on their record. This is what give logging and forestry and foresters a bad name. This stuff drives me crazy. I can post tons of pics of 100% correct street crossing , ford's and such site.
Dam you called me. Let me dig through google photos to see what i can find. Most will be truck crossings. Pretty much any creek crossing we use skidder bridges and there is little done to the site. You lay them down cross bridge and then pull them up.
Ok i am still searching but i think many pics i may have are on the computer and not in google pics or on my phone. I will have to look. I did find some proper road construction pics. This is a low water crossing or just i think a wet spot in this pic. Many of these we do are through running creeks. This is a truck road though. These next pics are for truck bridges, this is the logging road. The only difference really in this and a skidder crossing is there is way less dirt disturbance if just skidding over it, and bridges are different. When this bridge was pulled the dirt was smoothed out and the slopes leading to the creek have a combination of water bars, turnouts and or broad base dips. Im still going to be looking through my pics for pics.
They did make a tree bridge over the underground gas line and removed that. These guys were not a big operation. Basically one man owner, and brought his brother in to run the feller/buncher.
Yes . they are placed in place used to cross creeks so you don't have to make a permanent crossing, the correct way with a properly sized pipe or low water crossing with rock. if I get a chance I can go by this job and take a's been almost a year or more I think since they pulled the bridges. I think this was a 30 foot bridge. skidder bridges are more like ladders meaning there is gaps in them and there are 2 of them laid side by side. So that there is traction for them when pulling. when these bridges are wet with our clay there literally like ice. which is still basically against regs, esp since they didn't pull all their slash out of the creek. And job/company size does not get you out of the law. And I have had pre cut logs placed into a creek to cross for a small amout of wood. BUT all logs and debris deposited into the creek was removed with a backhoe, stream banks were smoothed out, stabilized with straw and seed to satisfy Best Management Practice Regulations My point is that this type job is what gives logging and the forest industry a bad name. This is they type stuff that gives fuel to the environmental tree hugging types. It does no good for my struggling industry to have guys doing this type work. I stick by my statement, that is NOT OK for a job to be left like that!
Got it. But I'll live. im not THAT unhappy with them. They got the job done. I got the woods thinned, some value out of the trees and new paths all through the property. So anywho.......
Right ,I'm not mad or trashing you. They probably are great guys, I know loggers like that too, they don't come near my jobs, or I am selective about what they do and if they do something they can mess up I am on top of it watching and making them go back.
I hear ya man. It's going to be fun working on all these trails now. And thinning other sections of the woods. Removing less desirable and dead trees. Planting some new ones where we want them, etc.
Hopefully after tomorrow, I'll have our tractor setup for lifting one end of a log up off the ground so we can drag some out. I'll be using the drawbar with some lo I see John (The Wood Chop Shop) has a 3550 in stock, it looks like the grease zerts are covered, what do you have do do unloosen the nut/bolt to get at them?
Draw bar with some .....? I'll have to let you know when I get the clay off the tractor! It's time to grease the main loader and backhoe ones.
Are you looking for a drawbar? I'm thinking the covers will keep the dirt off the zerts. When I bought my drawbar, they only had one in the Massena store. I'll be putting on our drawbar tomorrow.
When you wrote your post that I quoted it looked like you left something off at the end. "I'll be using our drawbar with some lo...."
That was a reply that I started writing yesterday but decided not to post so it must've been still in the reply box today when I typed the rest. I have some logging hooks I'll try using that will attach to the drawbar so I can lift a log off the ground and then drag it out if I want to use it that way.
How much do they get for their draw bars there? I didn't even think of one yet. The last one I bought I got at the local TSC. I think I bought it for like 30-40$.
I think at the W.C.S. they were 49. I stopped in the Massena TSC store today, they had some different size Drawbars in stock.