I also sell a bit of campfire wood, but nowhere near what you sell. I also have the four-way wedge for the splitter that I enjoy. I also like to have a stash of smaller pieces in case I get laid up and 99lbs has to fire up. I also enjoy the sight of a well stacked pile (although I am concerned about air flow/dry time through such a tight stack). I also can appreciate the benefit of a close source for firewood. I also scrounge as much as I can every year! Beginning to see a pattern here...are you my brother?
LOL, the guys I cut with all have shirts that say, "The Fellowship of the Tree". So there are certainly bloodlines that run through all firewooders! My little cube does not dry like more spaced out systems would, but the wood is usually down for a while, then in my stack in rounds for a while, then I split it all as I am able, and then the lean to gets refilled every spring. Goal is May 1st to be loaded for winter. I do have that dark green barn roof so it gets very hot under it, and gets air on three sides and top.
My cutting partner and a very good friend of mine has that furnace. He lives at a decent elevation in Franklin county and he burned 11 cords last year with seasoned wood that did contain some pine and poplar but it's all well seasoned. He heats 1500 with the house and 2000 with his garage plus the hot water with the unit. He's hoping to drop to about eight or nine this year with a massive stash of locust, mulberry, and oak.