At "another.....former" residence, I would also process the Christmas tree. Cut it small enough for the OWB, shove it in and let it get processed!
Todays work, diggin some pine out. Farmer plowed for me. Nice day for some splitting and cutting. Upper 20’s
I'm burning pine right now. Keeping the house at 73. Also have a cord of Lodgepole I haven't touched yet and wont for another month or so.
I dont think there is any pine in the entire state of Indiana lol. Maybe some yard trees but not in the woods.
How about "Ask me about burning pine in my wood stove" ? I still can't believe how many people give you the side eye about burning pine. Even after you tell them that all wet wood makes creosote, but that wet pine will still burn,. Also that all these people that have access to nothing but pine, and they are just fine with no fires. I understand why people started thinking this way, but I'm amazed at how many still are not educated about pine.
Lol. I thought it was metal. Nice job. Like the space for the saw. Won't lie, going to steal that idea.
That looks great!! I couldn't tell it was home made until you said it was. I really like both racks!!!!
I don't know where the idea that "Pine will burn your house down" came from, burned it IN several Houses, never had IT Burn any houses Pine isn't my Primary wood, but I sure don't turn my nose up at either, Have some Ponderosa, and a neighbors yard tree, waiting to get split yet. My Mom inherited a place in La Pine, OR from her parents, I have brought wood home from there, Lodge Pole grows like a weed in that area. I Like the Lodge Pole, it seems to be a bit drier than other Pines I have cut, and it has a nice aroma, especially when burned in an open fireplace or campfire. Doug