I'm assuming that is a replacement motor then and not the original. Wonder if it's the same design/company that now builds them in MA. Welcome to SuperSplitter
Ad said mulberry and white oak. White oak turned out to be hackberry, but still a nice load plus it was on the way to my best friend's place 15 miles away.
It had a 4hp briggs , it ran good but there was a slight incident when the young fella was towing it involving the rideon and a bumpy driveway I wasn't mad , nobody was hurt and the kid learned a valuable lesson , it got replaced with a 5hp Honda . We put a new rack and carrier bearings in it last fall , current SS parts fit
The power company had to cut a Red Oak away from a power line. I cleaned up afterwards and loaded it in the truck. There is about half a truck load more to cut. This is green Red Oak and it is HEAVY!!!